Playstation $299 PS3 Slim unveiled, existing console price drops 'immediately'

I think I'll be buying another one (sold the last one to pay of fiance's towing fee). I loved my old one, and this looks terrible, but the cost has dropped substantially. Good figures, and I think this box will catch up to xbox360 now finally.
Wait up. There's no on/off button on the slim PS3? How is that exactly suppose to work then? o_O
You hold down the standby button, I assume unplugging it is the only way to get a real 'off'.
Dropping the prices on them is to help clear stock.
Most likely, but realistically, you could say that it would sell anyway if it has BC and people REALLY want it since it's not that expensive for those models anyway, though why people still want it is beyond me. :monster:

I think I'll be buying another one (sold the last one to pay of fiance's towing fee). I loved my old one, and this looks terrible, but the cost has dropped substantially. Good figures, and I think this box will catch up to xbox360 now finally.
It will, I have no doubt about that, the only reason it's behind the 360 sales figures is because of the sales in America, and I'm presuming that's down to the price the PS3 was launched at. By time Microsoft or Sony release another console I fully expect the PS3 to be well past the 360 in sales figures.

Amazon expect PS3 Slims to sell out, and fast so if anyone plans to buy it off there then I'd order now before you end up in a massive backlog of orders.


The PS3 not having an On/Off switch will be much like the PS2 Slim I guess. It'll just be on constant standby.
I think it's too little/too late for Sony to overtake Microsoft here in the states personally, but with japan's numbers it'll be a close call in the long run.

Not that it matters since Nintendos already won this gen on the console and handheld front anyways.
I think it looks good. I'm still going to keep my 60GB, but whatever helps PS3 sales is good.

Yeah, I think backward compatibility probably isn't coming back... my (very old) PS2 was getting constant disc read errors, so I had to get the 60GB in order to continue playing my old games (and newer ones, like Persona 4, that came out after my PS2 broke) but I know someone who has a 40GB and a working slim PS2 and switches between them effortlessly.
It's pretty fug compared to the original, I'd say.

I'm just worried that they're gonna stop production of the original and only produce the Slim, seeing as how they did the same with the PS2...
tbh this looks uglier than current ps3 so it looks like im sticking to my old 'breadbin' 250gb ps3
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LittleVerdie said:
I'm just worried that they're gonna stop production of the original and only produce the Slim, seeing as how they did the same with the PS2...

That's a legitimate concern and it wouldn't surprise me at all. It'll probably be just like when they started selling the 40GB non-backwards compatible model and stopped production on the previous models.
It's had a massive affect by all accounts, releasing the Slim version and price drop:

PS3 sales rocket 1000% on Slim release:

PS3 Slim breaks records in Japan:

The 1000% sales increase is only compared to the week before though. :P A lot of people have been holding out on buying a PS3 recently because they were waiting for the slim version to be released. It's still a nice spike in sales of course, but I'm interested in seeing how the slim performs sales-wise during the next couple of weeks before saying anything about its effect on the market.
I think it looks better than the normal PS3. I'm still concerned about buying one and my PS2 conking out the, for hte moment that takes priority as there is nothing I even WANT for the PS3 until FFXIII and whatever KH will be coming out on it. Ugh, why do I always buy consoles just for one game -_-

Either way, it can sell out all it wants, I wont be gettting one anytime soon, i'l wait til next year. infact I'l wait til people play FFXIII first. It would be like buying a PS2 for FFXII and realising it's shit.....

Still think it looks nicer though, and it'd fit under my tv. the big space ship of a regular PS just had to sit on my floor coz it didnt FIT anywhere AND it weight a tonne -__-
It actually looks quite nice, though I think the original version looks more buff and expensive looking. XD

I like big consoles, though I have a PS2 Slim. (Didn't have a PS2 when the original version first came out).

I think I may just end up getting the cheaper one though. I don't want to spend more money just because one looks better than the other. They both do the same job in the end. XD

One can only hope. :gasp:
The 1000% sales increase is only compared to the week before though. :P A lot of people have been holding out on buying a PS3 recently because they were waiting for the slim version to be released. It's still a nice spike in sales of course, but I'm interested in seeing how the slim performs sales-wise during the next couple of weeks before saying anything about its effect on the market.
It's still looking a lot better for Sony :gasp: The actual figures don't particularly bother me that much, it's more of the fact that hopefully Square Enix and such like will start making more RPGs for the PS3 rather than avoiding it altogether, and even when we were meant to get one, The Last Remnant, they decide not to release it :jtc:
I still think that £250 for a PS3 Slim is still expensive in the UK. :jtc:

Although if I do buy it from HMV, assuming that they sell them, I can always get 10% discount. But either way, that's still a ridiculous price ... people must think we're made of money in a recession like this.
Hope Estheim said:
The actual figures don't particularly bother me that much, it's more of the fact that hopefully Square Enix and such like will start making more RPGs for the PS3 rather than avoiding it altogether, and even when we were meant to get one, The Last Remnant, they decide not to release it

I'm still kind of sad about The Last Remnant.

I think the holiday figures might be impressive overall, though. The price drop and new design should really help.
There's apparently a 250GB PS3 Slim being released as a GAME exclusive over the Xmas period which comes with either Uncharted 2, Assassins Creed II or Gran Turismo 5. To be honest, for £299 you can't really go wrong, especially when they're 3 of the main releases over Xmas anyway.