3.6 to 3.8 Bugs

Terribly sorry if this has been mentioned already. :ffs: I'm tired and I haven't read all the posts yet.

The stickies look a bit messy, is that just me? They used to be organized and have a bar to separate them from the non sticky threads. I can't provide a screen shot, cause I don't have anything from the old version of the board, but everything including the stickies is clumped together, can that be fixed?


Infact, everything in the "top 5 posts" looks a little clumped together, too. The names don't show up fully, it's not a big deal, but might it be something that can be fixed?
Readded the sticky separator :)
Very nice, thank you. =) I edited my post, I dunno if you saw it - concerning the Top 5 Statistics.
Ah I see. Well thanks for the answer. I just find it weird that we lose it after upgrading but hey I can wait I guess.
Error: You do not have the required permissions to post a shout.

... er what?
I get something similiar like that but it says invalid response or something like that. No idea what is causing it :hmmm:. I happens most of the time.
I know I asked before, but it wasn't answered, and I'm still kinda wondering.

Everything in the "top 5 posts" looks a little clumped together, too. The names don't show up fully, it's not a big deal, but might it be something that can be fixed?

It seems like it was a little better yesterday cause you could see the full names in the recent thread part, but for now, everything is cut to half "Nam...." etc etc. xD
Speaking of the statistics bar, is it possible to have access to 50 or more again? I'm trying to find a screenshot but I don't appear to have one :rage:

(sorry if those questions have been answered before, I can't keep up xD)

I was wondering the same thing and didn't seem to see an answer to this question in this thread. Sorry if I have overlooked the reply to this post. >.<

I liked how when you clicked on the Statistics above the top 5 stats on the old version, that it brought up the top 50 posters on the left, the 50 newest members in the middle, and the latest 50 replies to threads on the right. It was my favourite thing I'm missing at the moment. >.<


That was the only screenshot I have of that. Can't believe how long ago that was. XD

Everything in the "top 5 posts" looks a little clumped together, too. The names don't show up fully, it's not a big deal, but might it be something that can be fixed?

It seems like it was a little better yesterday cause you could see the full names in the recent thread part, but for now, everything is cut to half "Nam...." etc etc. xD

I was wondering about this too. It was working fine yesterday but now it's cutting off usernames and such.
I don' think that's it, because it's not just a message every now and again, it's every. last. message. And sometimes an error will show and the sb lags, but the message gets sent through and appears in the sb.. but then shows up back in my textbox right after.

Yup I'm getting this too!! I keep double posting my shouts because of it :(
I don't think this is a bug, possibly more the way it's set up... but the Triple Triad link is missing from the links on the main page. But if I open up a thread or click a link to a different page it appears within the links again... not sure if this is meant or not?
I also noticed that top referrers on the drop down menus on the top isnt working. So similar to the last problem but just with top referrers. :hmmm:
Also, this may or may not have been mentioned already but in the top 5 stats for "Highest VBActivity Level" everyone who is on there is classed as "Activity Level 1" but when you go on the rankings people have rankings of 9x, 8x, 7x etcetc.
There's an issue with the thread tags on the "New Posts" search results page, but I've only really noticed it on Merc's skin. There's a red X image box, and it lists all the tags of that thread individually just above the thread title. It stretches the page horizontally. Minor irritant.
The "most recent thread" link underneath all of my user stats doesn't actually link to anything (although is that link now gone completely?).

The top 5 stats are all cut off really early:

User Name Posts
Stevie... 13,206
Gord... 12,434
Mercuria... 10,391
Mitsuki 9,826
Amizon 8,944

Thread Last Post By Views Replies
Man with... Channadi... 0 2
hello Ahluk 80 16
Hey people! Kandy-Su... 71 11
Last Post Wins Stella... 98,867 12,145
The Elder... Ahluk 868 54

If it's worth anything, all of those sections were a font size smaller. :hmmm: Possibly something worth thinking aboot. That's what stats should look like.

Would it be at all possible to increase / do away with this image resizing thing? It's making SOTW a bit of a nightmare, and I just realised if we do things like LP contests and whatnot, it might be a bit difficult if all the images are constantly resized to a smaller size.
But some of them arent big enough to stretch the page :hmmm:

In the case of an LP competition we would be totally fucked. It doesnt affect your sig space though does it? Theres no 500x200 limitations right? D=