<3 Hello Everyone <3


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 16, 2008
The United Kingdom
Hello everyone! <3

I am new here and this forum looks really amazing! There is soo much to read I do not know where to start!


Welcome to the forums! <3
I hope you enjoy your stay and if you ever need anything send me a nifty little PM and I'll reply ASAP.

And your Italian? Your name is well nice as well! :inlove:
Ohai there Astral, hope you're loving it here <3
So far, so good!

Though this is a massive site! and I'm still reading alot of the threads of my favourite games <3

How did I not find this site before!
Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy it here and make some good friends. If ya ever wanna talk grab my MSN or send me a PM if ya don't see me stalking the Shoutbox. :monster:
Hey and welcome! If ya need a friend I'm always available.:nudge:

Yes Please! It is always nice to make new friends on a forum! :)

Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy it here and make some good friends. If ya ever wanna talk grab my MSN or send me a PM if ya don't see me stalking the Shoutbox. :monster:

Sure! I need to add mine to my little profile link! Also, this shoutbox is new to me, I've not seen it on a forum before <3

Thankyou everyone for such a cuddly welcome!!
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