7 Things I hate about HER!


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
Lol. Well, I don't really want 7 facts as to why...but I do want to know if you dislike or like Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana? This was on E! News the other day and alot of mixed reviews were going around, so I wanted to know...do you like her or not.

Explain and Discuss as to why.

(Fun Fact: She's also the sister to one of the lead singers of Metro Station)
I dislike her because she's everywhere. It's annoying, she's in commercials, she's in the news, she's in the paper, she has her own TV show/movie. She's been overexposed and it's really irritating. And she can't sing either -__-
I don't like how she has an alter ego. I mean, she's known for being Hannah Montana and not as Miley Cyrus.

They are trying to put her in music videos as herself, but now it just feels like she has some very odd personality disorder.
And she can't sing either -__-
She really can't, which is why I don't understand why so many people like her. Lindsey Lohan on crack would probably sound better xD

I agree with the whole her being everywhere thing too. I mean enough is enough! Last night I was watching mtv, and a Hannah Montanna concert came on instead of the show I was expecting :gasp:
She DOES have 2 personalities. Ya know? She will eventually go crazy because of it as well. I mean...she will always be known now as Hannah Montana and not anyone else. Even after the show has ended. Now she's putting out music for Miley and for Hannah. =/.

Disney has already gotten onto her for the "explicit" pictures of herself. =/. Who knows where this girl is going.

She even had her own Movie that was in theaters for one day and it was in 3D. -_-;;
She's hot though. Apart from that....yes, she can't sing, and she's too famous for her own good.
I'm indifferent. She's just another spoiled, overhyped teenage role model who'll never have to work a day in her life due to her mediocre singing/acting skills. Not worth disliking. Can't say I wouldn't take that gig myself if it were a possibility.

Besides, without her, I wouldn't be able to irritate my buddy with dozens of crappy Hannah Montana stickers/fake tattoos...which I place all over his junk. It's true, I have nothing better to do.
Miley Cyrus doesn't bother me that much, but one thing I hate is how she is predicted to be a billionaire by the time she is 20. *Billionaire*, seriously? For what?! She isn't a particularly good singer, she can NOT act (I know this from sitting through several episodes of Hannah Montana) and to be fair, she has no profound talents that would justify her success. Like she's going to release her own perfume and clothing brand, whoopdidoo. Basically just repackaging Bratz and Barbie brand toilet water and selling it to the same 10 year old teeny-boppers who buy her albums.

I feel kind of sorry for the girl though. These days she's this innocent little Christian country girl from Tennesee with a sickly sweet smile, but if she really DOES become a billionaire in five years time (and I wouldn't be surprised) then you can just imagine how it will end up. Just look at Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears. I don't think she deserves the money in the first place but I would think it was a shame (if not a lot her own fault) if she ended up a deranged crackhead lunatic because of it.

And I didn't see much wrong with that Vanity Fair photograph, other than she looks like a ghost in it. o_o
I only know the name 'Hannah Montana' because she is a character from something that I think shows on Disney Channel...thats it. Who the fuck is the silly bint? and why isn't she on my little Jon yet? it's all greek to me I tell thee.
What pisses me off is how she can't sing, act, or anything and she FAKES a frikin personality order because Disney told her to. The only thing that she should even be known as is "the talentless daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus".
I only know the name 'Hannah Montana' because she is a character from something that I think shows on Disney Channel...thats it. Who the fuck is the silly bint? and why isn't she on my little Jon yet? it's all greek to me I tell thee.
Thank god for that, I thought I was the only one who was totally clueless. All I know her for is being on a TV show or something? Like Hillary Duff? Give it time and eventually she'll be completely forgotten about just like 95% of these teenage "celebrities".
Thank god for that, I thought I was the only one who was totally clueless. All I know her for is being on a TV show or something? Like Hillary Duff? Give it time and eventually she'll be completely forgotten about just like 95% of these teenage "celebrities".
Ah Hillary Duff. The bint who played that sweet innocent girl on US tv then became some sort of wank icon overnight? Television these days sucks balls.
First time I listen to her voice it was kinda I was listening to Avril Lavigne music... Her image sounds far too commercial, proposed to attract that scary and no-longer with hair teenagers
I'm gonna move it to Midgar since it seems more fitting there. =]

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Anyway, erm, I never did really like her singing, (sorry Hannah Montana if you do read this xD) but I've got nothing against the girl. My daughter sings that Hannah Montana theme song and it just drives me crazy! >.> My siblings like her that's why. Got all her shows recording on TiVo. -_-

General Beatrix said:
I dislike her because she's everywhere. It's annoying, she's in commercials, she's in the news, she's in the paper, she has her own TV show/movie. She's been overexposed and it's really irritating.
Not to mention that she's being discussed in this thread too. =P
She wouldn't bother me that much if she didn't have so many fans. It's ridiculous how many fans she has considering the fact that she can not sing, act, dance, or dress herself. I know it's probably not her that dresses her in red cowboy boots and a pimp hat for her concerts, but jeez, couldn't they at least try to not make her not look so bad?

I'm just not sure how these little girls get so into her. I was having a conversation a while ago with these Miley fangirls, and according to them, "Miley didn't know she was going to be nude in that photoshoot, and by the time they took her in in there, it was too late." Pfft, yeah right.

And you'd think by the time these girls got into high school that their obsession with her would vanish. Not. They're just as obsessed as ever. I even met a forty year woman one time who was obsessed with "Hannah Montana". I guess her daughters brainwashed her.

Anyway, that's I feel about it. I don't hate Miley, I just hate the people who obsess over her.

Give it time and eventually she'll be completely forgotten about just like 95% of these teenage "celebrities".

Or she may just end up like Britney Spears. :wacky: She's already headed in that direction.
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I just saw her on an awards show and she was acting realllyy cocky. lol. I know she is only 15 and it can probably go to her head but geez. >__<;;

"Oh, I look so good." and She even said that she didn't go over her lines for hosting the show and just winged it...(Which she did for most of the show). pshh.
And you'd think by the time these girls got into high school that their obsession with her would vanish. Not. They're just as obsessed as ever. I even met a forty year woman one time who was obsessed with "Hannah Montana". I guess her daughters brainwashed her.
Oh gosh, I almost forgot about the fans. I knew a girl one time who was beyond obsessed with Hannah Montanna. She had every season of the show, had Hannah Montanna t-shirts and hats, not to mention the fact that it was all she talked about. I couldn't get the poor girl to shut-up.

Also, I found out the other day that Cyrus' name wasn't even really Miley. One of her old nicknames was "Smiley" or something, so they for some reason dropped the s and called her Miley. Pretty friggin weird if you ask me. She had her name legally changed to Miley not to long ago though, but still.
What pisses me off is how she can't sing, act, or anything and she FAKES a frikin personality order because Disney told her to. The only thing that she should even be known as is "the talentless daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus".
An alter ego is not a personality disorder. Eminem had slim shady and all those 'GANSTA' rappers have their gangsta personality, none of them are real.

No, she isn't very talented, but no pop stars are. Neither are 80's glam rock bands, Bon Jovi springs to mind as people that are completely talentless but have made millions.

It's consumer sovereignty. 10-14s and around that age want role models like Hannah Montana, and I can't say I blame them. Rather someone interesting than some nerd who just studies.
Lets think about the people on this forum, most of the guys and a few of the girls grew up watching Dragon Ball Z. A show which glamourised violence and death. Children don't have particularly good role models. but they grow up fine anyway.
Disliking someone just because they are rich and famous is just tall poppy syndrome.
"Join the Montana Militia!"
From Pre-game lobby lol. I think she can't sing, she doesn't write her songs (like many singers these days) and is such a stupid little Disney stereotype that...I really can't think of a horrible enough name to call her! She's bad though, doesn't deserve the praise and loyalty that she's getting.