7 Things I hate about HER!

She parked in a Handicap parking space and said it was because of her heart problems? -___-! Wow.

Has anyone seen her on award shows? She is so cocky and over the top. Especially when she host them. It's so annoying.
She just makes me mad OVERALL. Her voice is annoying, she tries to be funny and she really can't. Also she sounds like a damn bullfrog when she sings, no lie. The whole alter ego thing is very annoying, she could just be MILEY in her damn show. Honestly, Disney needs to go back to being the old Disney because right now, it seems like they're corrupting children with idols like HER and Vanessa Hudgens, etc.
You guys shes in the media a lot but if you think she is EVERYWHERE you live lives with celebrity based entertainment. I don't hear her name all week, because I don't watch celebrity TV shows or shows about them I mean. I don't read celebrity magazines and don't listen to pop radio stations.

She isn't everywhere. She is just everywhere that you place yourselves.

Also anyone saying she is trying to live in her fathers footsteps or anything like that is crazy. He may have been an entertainer but he wasn't half as popular as she is. You won't find any country music fans whose favorite artist is Billy Ray Cyrus. It just doesn't happen. He is viewed as a joke. She is a huge star whether its deserved or not.
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I dislike Miley not because her status or how famous she is and shouldn't be, but because she is a snobby brat who made fun of Demi Lovato and so happened to apologize for it -__- gotta love fake senserity.

She thinks she is the best singer you can tell by how she TRIES to vocalize :gonk:

And if you going to pretend to be Michael Jackson Fan learn the whole thriller dance and not some hacked up version :neomon:

And she ruined the National Anthem...

(Gotta say all the talent went to Trace, I like Metro Station)
I thought I posted in here :/ K, its odd cause I love the show Hannah Montanna and I like Billy Ray Cyrus. But as for Miley Cyrus herself, nope not a fan. Especially now with the whole whore/teen thing going on. Shes gone from childrens entertainer to a little tramp in the space of about 6 months.
All the poser shit she says has gotten pretty old. At first it was entertaining, but the fact that people willingly eat the shit she feeds them is starting to get to me.

She doesn't give a shit about gay marriage, she wants a whole other group to accept her. She's trying way too hard to convince the world she's deep and artistic, filled with talent but then destroys it all singing catchy garbage because she's a sell-out. This feminist lies and much more.

I'm also convinced that she's 'standing up' for gays for the sake of having Perez Hilton be on her side. I noticed she started that fake crap after he encouraged her comments on Twitter. And now she's claiming to love GaGa, his wifey~ But that could just be me over-thinking it.

Then the replies her stupid fans give, "You're just jealous~"
7 Things I Hate about her?

1. I hate that when she tried dancing and singer to Lady Gaga's song "Bad romance" she screetches the wrong words. Instead of saying the real lyrics; "I want your love and I want your revenge" Miley says "Don't want your love. Don't want your revenge"

How fuckin' stupid is she. How can she not hear THAT many words. *head desk*

Yea, she claims to be a Lady gaga fan. What a fake.

Also, I just want everyone to know...SHE FAILS HORRIBLE when she attempts to dance the bad Romance Dance.

Stupid little, small breasted girl.
I hate how ugly she is. Forget about all the shitty things she does, this bitch has got to have the worst body in Hollywood LMAO
man shoulders
fat knees
fat arms
no ass
and the worst fucken face
crooked teeth
dick nose
fat bulimic face
duck lips
and the slut has nasty hair lmao so fucking funny
what a dumb ugly slut
7 Things I Hate about her?

1. I hate that when she tried dancing and singer to Lady Gaga's song "Bad romance" she screetches the wrong words. Instead of saying the real lyrics; "I want your love and I want your revenge" Miley says "Don't want your love. Don't want your revenge"

How fuckin' stupid is she. How can she not hear THAT many words. *head desk*

Yea, she claims to be a Lady gaga fan. What a fake.

Also, I just want everyone to know...SHE FAILS HORRIBLE when she attempts to dance the bad Romance Dance.

Stupid little, small breasted girl.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa now.



Too far.

Let's leave the small breastedness out of this, she has very nice boobs. :mokken:
Whoa whoa whoa whoa now.



Too far.

Let's leave the small breastedness out of this, she has very nice boobs. :mokken:
I just owned her entire body and face
but even I can admit her boobs are good
they make sense for her fucked up body
man could you imagine her with huge tits lmao
I would fucken kill myself
either from laughter or more laughter
Well she's still only.. what, 17, 18? They can still keep growing. Who knows.

Also did anybody else think she like.. had no mom or something? From the complete lack of.. well.. everything including her mother I thought she was dead until I saw her on TMZ once. >.>

Yoshida: How will you give milk to a child with fake breasts?
who else thinks miley cyrus is gross
like actually legit disgusting
I feel fucken dirty when I look at her jiggling around on stage and touching herself
she seems like the kinda bitch to go to bed still wearing the makeup she put on that morning
and wearing the same panties for like 3 days straight
and her breath stinks sometimes
or she thinks its hilarious when she farts on people
like fucken NASTY
I'm indifferent. I certainly don't hate her because I don't have a reason to. Her music isn't my thing and I can say the same for various different music artists out there. In short, she isn't worth the time or effort that I would have to sum up just to hate her with a passion that burns in every fiber of my being and consume every square inch of my existence.

That kind of hate is reserved exclusively for the GOP, and 4KIDS.
Can we please get back on topic? This thread is about something entirely different. If you want to talk/argue, go take it elsewhere.
The dumb slut strikes again. More leaked photos. But you know what's so awesome? Nobody cares. Like okay yeah they care about a female leaking nudes, but the fact that it's Miley Cyrus? People are already like "oh."

lmao peace out you soon to be even more irrelevant bitch.

Add on to that 7 list of things. Hate this slut.