8 FFXIII images

the graphics look amazing and all, but i just hope square doesnt make the battle system like XII's. XII's was so not final fantasy like and boring and i like random encounter turn-based better. i also hope (which i REALLY doubt they will) that they bring back a world map that you can travel on with airships and boats because i thought that made the games and the game worlds seem a whole lot more vast and uncharted. and finally the story, im praying for the best story yet. its gonna be hard to top VII and IX though...hmm maybe thatts why i dont think better of XII? anyway game looks great i hope they do some traditional final fantasy things with it.

this is someone who knows what they're talking about.

I TOTALLY agree.

I am praying for 'random battles'. I hate real-time battles, it's like Zelda......and that's why i like the FF series, for the random battles!

I also hope the FFXIII story is epic, because the stories have been weak recently...
Story-wise I agree, but I think they should keep real-time encounters. They should maybe produce a stylish new battle system that combines turn-based with fast-paced, stylish, action. I liked the XII battle system mind but I wouldn't mind reverting back if it was modernized.
Impressive, but this game is beginning to look a lot like Xeno Sage, also the main character looks a lot like Ashe :P lol.
With the way Square has been heading since X-2 I wouldnt be too hopeful. I mean the graphics are awesome, but I think Square has washed down and I also think that they use Final Fantasy now as a money maker, not as entertainment anymore. Look at FFVII, they slap FFVII on the cover of anything and its an instant sell out. The good graphics are probably just to draw you in.
The graphics look great, but, as everyone knows, graphics aren't everything. I just hope that they dont use FFXIII as a benchmark as to what can be done on the PS3 and dont forget about the story line and simplified battle system.

The battle system so far just looks a little hectic and uncontrollable.
These screens look awesome.
I can see what people mean by wanting the world map back because I do too! I also like the battle system of FFXII..... I dunno. Well I'm going to have to save up for a PS3 before I can buy this game which is a disapointment but hopefuly worth it(FFXIII, MGS4 and DMC4 are my only reasons for getting a PS3).
I do hope the story is an epic too because the first game for a certain console usually is.
overall I can't wait to get this game!!!!! There's still the worrying thing about it lasting 10 years though:worried:
I cant wait...the girl is so cute and damn..she has a gunblade which is always cool! i like the look of ffversus13 tho i think the storyline of that will be more intresting!
So, is the battle system going to be like FFXII, or more classic? I would hope that it's more classic, the FFXII system was terrible.
woh........................................im getting a ps3...............................................the wii sucks eggs compared to those graphics...................... so does the 360.............. hey anyone know if they're making an xbox720 or something?.... theyre gonna need to to keep up with sony :)XD

:D :D :D woh........................................im getting a ps3...............................................the wii sucks eggs compared to those graphics...................... so doe:D s the 360.............. hey anyone know if:D :D :D they're making an xbox720 or something?.... theyre gonna need to to keep up with sony :)XD:D :D
Graphics do not equal fun games. I have a Wii, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Sure it looks pretty, but we don't know if it's fun until we try it for ourselves. The PS3 will probably get more good games in the future, but as of now, FFXIII and MGS4 aren't enough to make me pay $600 for a PS3. I'll just wait and see.
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Eeek I can't wait lol! It's out around 2009, am I right?
I still need a PS3 but knowing FFXIII is that long away I can't be bothered buying one quite yet lol!
I think the story surrounding the guy, or 'king' will be amazinggg, the trailer is excellent and I love the city view :D
The screenshots looks amazing, but i wonder when we will get some new ones... It has been some time now.
Here are 8 FFXIII you might have seen some, plz tell me if they are already posted.



OMG! Did I just saw Hashmalim from FFXII? no?
Well the Lion like face and the blades on arms... Maybe look alike?
Nice Screenshots! ;)
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The screenshots looks amazing, but i wonder when we will get some new ones... It has been some time now.

New trailers coming in sep at the tokyo game show, hopefully will see a 5min trailer of XIII and versus.

Since the first trailers was made from late 05, i cant wait see how impressive the real-time graphics are in 07.

And people wondering when its coming out, i would say XIII will be out this time next year (worldwide release, so US and europe dont have wait) and XIII Versus late 08 or early 09.