8 FFXIII images

I hope the story Line kicks ass to, I'm looking forward to this. Is Square Enix also supposed to be remastering ff7?
she HOT =) and the red ninja scarf rules...
thats actaully game play graphics...
Not CG cut scene...

AND FF Vs. XIII (Think about it KH meet FF) Final Fantasy (FF Vs. XIII) Organization XIII

Thats Screen Shot With the GUY... +swords LOOKS familiaar with KH end cut scene...
That guy from Versus XIII (what's going to be our abbreviation for that, anyway? FFV-XIII? V13?) is reminding me of Tifa. Maybe because of the way he's dressed, with the gloves and everything.

Anyway, these graphics are great.
I relized they have been copying characters slightly.... like Vaan just reminds me of Tidus, Lightning reminds me of Cloud....
Well, there is a reason she looks like Cloud though. The chief animator (I will find the name later when I have more time on my hands) was asked during production to design the lead character after Cloud from FF7 only as a female - so there you have it.

Also, yes (or maybe no depending on whether or not the project actually goes fwd). Square enix is remastering FF7.

Here is trailer (or showoff of PS3 graphics) for that.


Just realised that there is a thread on that last part in the VII section of the forum here which discusses alot. Better to keep this thread from turning into that thread ;)
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Zachara said:
Well, there is a reason she looks like Cloud though. The chief animator (I will find the name later when I have more time on my hands) was asked during production to design the lead character after Cloud from FF7 only as a female - so there you have it.

Like Paine is a female Squall?

No seriously, I can see that conversation going down at headquarters.

Square: "Hm, okay. Our fans seem to like this 'Cloud' character a lot. SO, let's make our next heroine just like him. Brilliant!"

Also. Will there be character crossovers between XIII and Versus? What I mean is, will we see "Lightning" as a side character in Versus and Dude-Tifa in the original? Or are they two separate storylines in the same "world?"
When I first saw the girl at E3 she became my favorite FF character. I have t osay that I haven't played the last 3 games - X, XI and X-2.
I bet you a donkey that girl is actually another metrosexual bloke. I mean, come on, Vaan was hardly butch, so who knows what they're gonna do to the males of the future?

Note: This post is a friggin' joke, do not take me seriously, 'cause I know a few of you people will do that. J-o-k-e.
well, the images do look great but i'm not gonna go out and buy a 600 dollar system to look at 50 hours of those. i'll wait till the ps3 goes down in price, thank you very much.
This game looks like its going to be amazing, but then again it is FF, so I don't see how it couldn't be. Can't wait for it to come out, unless that means getting a better product, haha.
Wow, that's extremely cool! Can't wait til' this game comes out. Knowing SE, they'll probably change their release dates from time to time. >.< Something always comes out. I just hope they won't make us wait that long.

Looks awfully Cloud like.....
The game looks amazing because it's uses square-enix white engine. I heard that FF XIII and versus are the last games to use it. Square-enix plans to use epics unreal engine.