A New FFVII Remake

a remake would be good because i hate it when people hate games because the graphics arent upto date
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Simple: the answer is always no. There will be no remake of FFVII for the PS3. Don't even think about it, don't even dream about it... nothing. 'Cause it'll never ever gonna happen. Period.
Simple: the answer is always no. There will be no remake of FFVII for the PS3. Don't even think about it, don't even dream about it... nothing. 'Cause it'll never ever gonna happen. Period.

I already knew there wasnt going too be a remake because square are prob to frightend to touch seven in fear of ruining it :lol: and many other reasons.
A New FFVII Remake
What happened to the old remake?

Darkblade said:
Simple: the answer is always no. There will be no remake of FFVII for the PS3. Don't even think about it, don't even dream about it... nothing. 'Cause it'll never ever gonna happen. Period.
Oh man, I can't wait until you choke on those words.
I heard a rumor that Square Enix was going to remake FFVII for the PS3

I've seen posts like this all over the net, so far it seems it ain't gonna happen. I'm not saying I wouldn't like a remake I'm saying that Square-Enix has already decided no, and I dont think they will change their minds....
I honestly hope it won't happen. Why? You can't make something better when it's already a masterpeice. Whoever wants a remake is just a graphics whore. I just say keep the polygonal figures and if noobs want to see how the original is like than just convert the old graphics into the ps3. That is, if people are willing to play such an old game on the ps3. If not, I say don't touch the thing at all.
FFVII is far from a masterpiece. Much more needs to be updated, not just the graphics. They should actually flesh out the storyline as it was originally intended before they reached deadlines and had to sacrifice quality. They also need to fix the glaring translation errors.
FFVII is far from a masterpiece. Much more needs to be updated, not just the graphics. They should actually flesh out the storyline as it was originally intended before they reached deadlines and had to sacrifice quality. They also need to fix the glaring translation errors.
Glaring translation errors? There was hardly any. I think everyone could understand what they were saying most of the time. The storyline was fine because they obviously worked real hard on it. It IS arguably the best Final Fantasy series after all. Why would they need to "fix" it if it's the best?
The "best" does not eqaute with "perfect," nor does it have to be anywhere near perfect.

Come on, you can't tell me that you haven't heard of the innumerable instance of translation and syntactical errors. They actually had to fix some of the more obvious ones when it was released for PC. The game is very poorly translated.
The "best" does not eqaute with "perfect," nor does it have to be anywhere near perfect.

Come on, you can't tell me that you haven't heard of the innumerable instance of translation and syntactical errors. They actually had to fix some of the more obvious ones when it was released for PC. The game is very poorly translated.
It's "poorly translated because square translated it themselves. They didn't want someone else translating it because they didn't want somebody getting stuck and making up part of the script. And as I said before, I think everyone went through the game fine. I hardly think someone got confused because of a few grammatical errors.
You does not need to get confuse for to have being the text are crappy.

But to say it's not an error is ludicrous.
You does not need to get confuse for to have being the text are crappy.

But to say it's not an error is ludicrous.
I didn't say it wasn't an error though lol. You're complaining about grammar, but you obviously love FFVII anyways. I personally didn't care about the errors or whatever. The story and plot was good, the game system was awesome, and we had great characters.