A New FFVII Remake

A remake of VII would be nice and I agree with Sins of a Fighter. Voice over and especially better graphics.
*swoons* I would just die, after seeing that tech demo, if FFVII were remade in those graphics. I also heard from a friend that she went to the Best Buy website awhile back looking at video games, and she was browsing through the PS 3 games and lo and behold there on the site was FFVII for the PS 3. She put it on hold, and then a few days later it had been removed from the site. Now I dunno if it was just a mishap or if there's something going on that we don't know about ^_^
It was only a tech demo at first showing the PS3's power, but now they are remaking A Final Fantasy, they didn't say which one though, they want to surprise us.

I'm crossing my fingers for FF7, I have a 360, but was thinking about getting a PS3 also, and if they do remake FF7 then I'll get a PS3, even if its only for that game....
i don't think there's going to be a remake..
i read a magazine and nomura says that if there's
going to be a remake they would hire 300 people for it...
and he said that they already have a line of projects
set for the ps3..
There is no remake currently in the works, this has been officaly stated by Square-Enix on more than one occation. If there ever will be one it won't be for a long long time because Square is at the moment far too busy with other projects (Such as FFXIII etc). They have also stated somewhere that they don't plsn to remake any Final Fantasy (with III being the only real exception obviously) untill hardware capabilities prevent the console from being able to play original Playstation games. Seeing as PS3 can play old PS games then your looking at least at PS4 (Which could be well over 10-15 years if you take into consideration how long the PS3's lifespan is expected to last).


There is, as already been mentioned many times in this thread, a PS3 tech demo of the opening sequence to show the potential of PS3 graphics. Just like the tech demo for Final Fantasy VI for the N64 way back when.

Moonchild has indeed spoken.
that never happen


blackrose the honest thief
The thought is just so overpowering. <3

When people use to talk about this on other forums, back with FFX came out, I use to get a little unsure about the whole thing.

But after seeing FF7AC, the FF7 demo for PS3 and FF7DC, I am truely convinced this would be a great idea.

I mean look at it this way, that game has every brilliant element to it. Storyline, characters, villians, fight systems, side quests ect ect I could go on. The only thing it lacks, and I think most will agree is the visual detail/graphics of the game. I mean if this game was to have the graphics of FF7AC, it could only make the game better? Also I so totally agree with you Sins of a Fighter, voice overs would be amazing as well.

I know a lot of people are worried that this will ruin FF7, and I am too. If they ever made it, to stay loyal to fans they would have to not change a single part of the actual game. They only thing that should change is the graphics, adding of voice overs and FMV sequences.

I think if this ever took place it would be a wonderful thing. I know Square Enix have not commented/denied that they will remake it, but I can't help but think they may be considering it...?
The jaw gabbing, should rest easy. Square has had ideas and thoughts about remaking ONE of the final fantasy games, for the ps3, but they had changed there mind. ONE OF THE FF7 games will avalible on the ps3.

There were two games that were mentioned on the Advent Children DVD, that didn't have any information, other than 'Avalible for the ps3'

To argue if 7 is the best out of them all, Square has said that 7 is the best, because of the story line, and how its about life. The powerfull story itself is what makes it such a great game.

The Tech Demo, is un-disputable. It is on fire, and I would blow a load in my pants, if they did remake a FF7 for PS3, but to be honest, I've played the game time and time again. I'd much rather see FF7 in movie form.. The prequal of Advent Children, now that would be like icing on the cake.
The way I feel about a remake is through all of the turmoil and emotion, you'd be able to distinguish exactly what the character(s) is feeling through movements and facial expression and really connect all the more with that character(s) Like, take Cloud for instance, we could see how he REALLY felt just by his facial expressions when it comes to dressing up like a girl :P and also "the scene" you all know what I'm talking about. One of the most saddest possible scenes to be had in FF. That's some of the great enjoyment I would get out of this game remade, not to mention what every place on Gaia looked like with those redone graphics. At the same time I think a movie would be cool and all, but I'd much rather see it redone as a game and be able to go through, play and connect with the characters again on even higher level than now.
It would be interesting to see but i would worry that somehow someway they would screw it up.
It would be my dream to see it remade, because then you'd have great graphics in that, AC, and DoC and it would be complete. I'd really love for them to do it...if they ever do, it'll definitely be when I can afford the PS3. LOL
I've heard rumours that they were going to make FF7: Redux for the PS3. I think it is still just a rumour, and the majority of people I've spoken to have said that Square won't do it. But it would be really cool if they did. FF7 in FFX-2 style graphics? Awesome!

I think I'd be looking forward to the events in Wall Market. Will they keep the dress long or will they cut it back to the length it was originally meant to be?
SE won't make a remake FFVII unless they really, really need the cash which is unlikely unless the FFXIII series of games floped in a major way. A problem with remakes is that the die-hards won't like it since remakes aren't usually well received with usual complaints about how it never lived up to the previous version, and most people here will have played it to death anyway so what would be in it for you?
Did I just explain it? Being able to connect with the characters on a more emotional level by seeing the better graphics, hearing their voices and seeing their facial expressions. I think it would make FFVII even more great than what it already is. The movie was a huge success and I think the game would be as well
That may be all you need but a 9 year-old game with next-gen graphics doesn't make it a must buy for me. Having the expressions and stuff may make it easier to connect with the characters but you didn't need that with the original version and if they have a crappy voice cast then that'll ruin the experience even more. FFVII should be left as it is by looking back at it as a classic.
it would be mad if they did andi hope they do even if its exactly the same store like with AC griphics
Well, they remade FFIII for the DS, and I don't think anyone has said they ruined it. Then again, FFVII is a bigger emotional attachment for a lot of people.

Honestly, I could live without a remake. I'd rather Square-Enix concentrate on new projects like FFXIII than go back to the "glory days" of FFVII. Even though they're already doing that with the Compilation.