A Question for Fans ...

What would you want Square Enix to release next?

  • Dirge of Cerberus sequel (it's inevitable)

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Gah! No more remakes... FFVII and on are a bit dated, sure, but they're hardly in need of a drastic makeover. Square needs to get its act back together and start making new games, or perhaps branch out into other franchises rather than Final Fantasy.

As much as I'd hate to see this, I'd rather have Square put a hold on Final Fantasy for the moment and work on a new franchise if it would put out better material. But at the very least, they ought to cool it with the expanded game-verses.
Gah! No more remakes... FFVII and on are a bit dated, sure, but they're hardly in need of a drastic makeover. Square needs to get its act back together and start making new games, or perhaps branch out into other franchises rather than Final Fantasy.

As much as I'd hate to see this, I'd rather have Square put a hold on Final Fantasy for the moment and work on a new franchise if it would put out better material. But at the very least, they ought to cool it with the expanded game-verses.

*hmmm that sounds an interesting idea man,althoug i love playing final fantasy i would like to see another game from square,but how can they make one to match final fantasy?theyd just make a different title with same features like the ff? :) itd be hard for them :)
I would want them to release a remake for FFVII, but I have a feeling that it's going to be FFXIV which I have no problem with since I always love new FF games.
Well, they have officially released Revenant Wings for DS, which was the continuation of XII. :\

But I want to see a VII remake, because I could never get my hands on an original version, so let me play a remake at leeeeast! It's supposed to be such a good game to. Y-Y

They should probably stick to remakes till they can come up with a good storyline for the next one. I kinda don't like where the new games are headed. :|
Wow ....

Truly honestly and I know it is unlikely but what I would love for them to release is a real time strategy game based on the final fantasy series. You know build up your kingdom,

think about it - armies of Dark nights with pure owning power - white and black mages working in combination, dragoons launching themselves into the enemies lines. Giant long airship battles (think that bit in XII), chocobo knights, etc, summoners.

(i've been thinking about it awhile)
Other then that that damn remake that most people want but may never happen.

Maybe a kingdom hearts 3, then FF XIV
it would be cool to play a kinda upgraded FFVII because it is/was a good game, whereas FFXIV may not be
I really think that they should make the FFVII remake, I mean the game was so awesome, I think a remake woul make the fans and my self very hapy. There's nothing to change either...just the graphics, that's all they really have to change.
If they make any other changes then the game is for ever doomed to failure v.v;;
i voted ffvii remake because i like the build up to main series games and if xiv came out straight away the excitement would be lost
I'll go with the XIV I mean we already saw what they did in FFXIII in the trailers and I think XIV will be a great game.

About the sequels, I'm with it and I hope the make one for FFVIII and I have faith in it coz the already made a sequels to all the others FF games.

About the re-makes I'm not with it coz we already played the games and that'll make the game more boring than before and making the same map and places..hmm..not a very great idea.