A sequel to Dissidia?

One-winged Demon

Sep 5, 2008
Larissa City
Ok Dissidia has just been released but I wonder if they make a sequel to Dissidia.Are they going to make it when they release Final Fantasy 20 or they will make a sequel more sooner?
who knows, square enix are a money grabbing company, if the first installment is successful at sales, then they may make another one using different character from the exsisting games
Dissidia has only been out 5 minutes give it a chance xD

Although tbh, if Disidia does really well, I expect there will be, especially if they continue to release new FF's, new characters to add an all that shit <_<
I'm guessing that there will probably be a demand for it, and I think the developers themselves would probably have a blast adding more characters and such.

I'm guessing Dissidia would be a very fun game to make from a development point of view, trying to map out a coherent story while keeping the characters true to their original games. Not to mention balancing out their fighting styles. I have a feeling the creators themselves maybe a bit fanboyish, so the creation of Dissidia was as much of a dream come true for them as it was for the fans.

Right now there is obviously no way of knowing if there ever will be a Dissidia sequel, but I'm sure they'll definitely consider it. I'd love there to be a Dissidia game for a current generation/non-handheld console like the PS3 or XBox360, they could probably add so many more characters :)
Yeahy but if they make a sequel it should be on ps3 not psp lol. Yeah like Bambi said give Dissidia a chance it just came out and I have it its freakin amazing. Well if they do make a sequel put everybody playable like Yuna and Rydia. That would be freakin amazing.
I'd rather they give us more characters / arenas / costumes via Playstation Store for the first Dissidia, than give us another game. Giving us another game will just make us not play this one as much, and I don't want to think that about a game I haven't even got yet...
It's a game they made to celebrate 20 years of FF, I say they enjoy their celebrations. Dissidia seems to be doing well and everything. But most people are calling for their favourite characters all the time, so my advice to Square-Enix would be to make characters downloadable content on the Playstation Store, just like we have with some PS3 games (and possibly some PSP ones too, but I haven't used that feature). I think that would be great, and will not steer people away from playing the first game. It's the way forward!

But if a sequal would be to come out on PS3, or perhaps a remake on that console, then I am definately going to look forward to it.
Yeah there for sure will be more characters but I do not think they will have a part in the story though but overall what an amazing game!!! For dlc characters I just want the characters I like for instance the hot chicks lol.
I'm not too sure how much downloadable content there could be available considering that Dissida pushes the boundaries of the PSP. It'd be cool if you could have a custom stage builder or something, or maybe different character skins but I'm not sure it'll go too far beyond that.

and if they decide to make another Dissidia... they might aswell start working on it as soon as possible, considering how long Squenix takes to make a single game :P
I was thinking about this and thought... it would be neat if they made the same game (like all the current playable characters) plus all the characters that join your party. I dunno how this would work for the villains side though, there are a lot of wacky bosses in the FF games that prolly don't need to be in a game like this. Like Ultros, granted it'd be funny to play with a spikey octopus, it would just be weird using him.

So I can't think of a way to balance this out, unless they add wacky bosses.
I am sure there will be a sequel right away cause it will make even more money and they will just use different characters.
I was thinking about this and thought... it would be neat if they made the same game (like all the current playable characters) plus all the characters that join your party. I dunno how this would work for the villains side though, there are a lot of wacky bosses in the FF games that prolly don't need to be in a game like this. Like Ultros, granted it'd be funny to play with a spikey octopus, it would just be weird using him.

So I can't think of a way to balance this out, unless they add wacky bosses.

They might be able to balance it out if they included say, all the individual TURKS from FF7 as playable. Or all the Judges from FF12. May not keep equal representation from each game, but it might balance out the two sides. Plus all the secondary villains like Rufus, Vossler, Seymour, possibly Kain, Edea, Ultros and various recurring villains like Gilgamesh, or even the SHM from AC.

Of course, this doesn't balance out if you add every good guy character that joins your party in the games. Especially in games like FF5 or FF6, where an ass load of characters join your party.
I think its a little too early to talk about a sequel to Dissidia, which may not be possible so soon.. Its like, less than a month since Dissidia's been released in Japan... (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Anyway, if they intend to follow this idea of a random God of Goodness summoning heroes, and God of Badness calling in villains, then they might wait till Final Fantasy XX or so then create a part 2...

No doubt though, it won't be soon, thats all i can say (And believe).
I really don't want to wait another 20th game for a Dissidia part 2 i mean if SE can make 2/3 games about the bad guys from Kingdom hearts why not a squeal ?

I really to see not a squeal but a game that focuses on the Caos side and you get their storyline in their respective.
The way I see it, there doesn’t have to be any sequels, but unrelated games using the fighting engine. Square Enix has a whole list of great characters, why make another one with Final Fantasy characters? I know FF is the only series they have with enough substantial characters to use, but (though it would never happen) they do like smash brothers and use characters from a number of different games. There aren’t really any Dragon Quest characters that come to mind (most of the games kept them pretty generic), but there could be characters from the Chrono games, Square-Enix now has Grandia, Star Ocean might work, and I wouldn’t mind a character or two from Xenogears, or even The World Ends with You.

They could also grab an anime license and use that. With all the mediocre anime fighting games I’d be happy to see one that uses the Dissidia Engine.
i don't think so... Too many titles of final fantasy and Kingdom Hearts they are planning... Like FF7 & Kh like BBS and 358/2 days... but maybe in future
i think it woud b pretty sick to use other squaresoft games characters like sora but it should be final fantasy named and that may suck but no disney like mickey and the others
I've got many suggestions on how dissidia can be improved. It is great already, but I find a few flaws which I'd like to see a sequel made for these features.

Firstly, the most interesting and fun part of dissidia is the multiplayer function. Playing by yourself against computers and going through a story mode in Japanese which you have no idea of becomes boring. So the multiplayer function is your best bit of dissida (right now in the jap ver).

Problem is, multiplayer only allows 2 players. I would like this to be expanded to 4 players. A FFA mode and Team mode should be implemented as well. It would encourage 'gang-banging' a certain character, but your team-mate (in team battle) is suppose to help, so he/she should get in there!

It would just be so much more fun. The more friends, the better you enjoy the game as a bunch. As well, I think more modes should be created instead of just your classic 'battle scene'.

I think perhaps a survival mode, allows 2 to 4 players to survive as many enemies as possible without getting hit once! This could also be changed to you getting hit until you die as well. I would like to see something like in kingdom hearts 2, where sora kill plenty of nobodies in a area. So this is a co-operative mode instead of just rivalry all the time.

In this mode, I think the players should be situated in the centre of the map (if possible depending on the map) and lots of enemies comes from around you. Players should have an option to create a boundary which no one can pass through except enemies. This makes everyone stick together easier, since some moves make the character move a certain distance. Of course, the 'boundary' is kinda for noobs, and I'd prefer to see no boundaries.

There easily could be more type of modes like a race to collect as many EX-cores or capture/protect the flag. Really, the most important part for all this to work is multiplayer to be set to 4 players.

AND OF COURSE. Many people want to see more characters. A think a good set would be 3 each game. The third person shouldn't repesent good (cosmos) or bad (chaos) so much. I'd like to see Auron (FFX), Irvine/Seifer (FF8), Kain (FF4) and Tifa/Yuffie (FF7) be made. I can't say who else since I haven't played any other final fantasy game.
I can't go into detail about how they could improve and stuff since it's not released in Europe yet, hence I haven't played it. But unless they've left a huge room for improvement or hole within the plot, is there really any need for a sequel? D;

If it were part of the main FF series I could understand like FFXII:RW where they did a great sequel, but is there any need for making a sequel to what is effectively a spin-off game anyway? >.>
I honestly don't think they are going to make a second dissidia.
mainly because it was an anniversary project and it uses characters from each game.
if anything Dissidia 2 will comeout shortly after FINAL FANTASY XX
(lol can you imagine what the next 10 games are gonna be like?)
although Ido wish to see them add some side characters for back up support (like maybe Barret or Galuf)