A sequel to Dissidia?

Knowing SE They probably would make a second Dissidia but maybe name it something else. Slap on a fancy name and then put a buncha new characters into it probably WITH the old characters (after all SE is nothing without soft's ideas imo).

I can see it happening. Unfortunately. @_@ I don't know when but...it'll happen.
Dissidia 2 should not only include the main hero, but perhaps the main hero's love interest. For example, for Cloud, it would be Tifa/Aerith, Bartz - Lenna, Vaan - Penelo etc. Also, there should be dozens more unlockable characters.
i dont think square-enix want to make sequel of dissidia...
there are no more storyline for the game, look out dissidia, the game just packed up all the storyline for ff games, so i dont think there are no more story to tell,

i think if dissidia sequel is make to be rpg game (with cosmos is patagonist and caos as antagonist and all ff charecters as their supportive characters) this game must be very hot. make it like kingdom hearts
during a brief press confrence with the dissidia makers,they said if dissidia sells well,they will begin to work on aq sequel,go to joystiq.com,you canfind the article
I read in the FF Wiki yesterday that if the fans want it enough, there will be a Dissidia 2, heck apparently this would have KH characters thrown into the mix too. So I doubt it'll be 'Final Fantasy: Dissidia' anymore. And I doubt with that in mind, that it will be PSP (if I recall Dissidia is using the PSP to it's fullest) so it will probably be PS3/360 if anything.
a running title for a kingdom hearts fighting game,from shaggys post,would probably be The Last Stand:a kingdom hearts fighting game,well,that sucks more than a blonde on new years eve,but,i would like one with kain,as hes fricken awesome,or zack,because its only fair,get it,because zacks last name is fair,so yeah
That would be awesome!

I feel they should make another game, but switch up the roster. Here Goes:
FF 1 to 4: should not be implemented, due to lack of mutiple familiar characters.

FF 5 Hero-Galuf
Villain: Enuo

FF 6: Hero-Sabin
Villain: Gestahl

FF 7: Hero-Red XIII or Vincent Valentine
Villain: Emerald or Ruby Weapon

FF 8: Hero-Rinoa
Villain: Seifer

FF 9: Hero-Salamander
Villain: Beatrix

FF 10:Hero-Auron or Wakka
Villain: Seymour

Nooooo FF 11 characters...

FF 12:Hero-Fran or Vaan
Villain: Vossler

FF 13:Hero-Lightning or Sazh
Villain: Uhhhh

From then on out, who knows, but they should totally make a sequel. Great idea, coming from the fans!

Bonus characters could include Kingdom Hearts characters, or even Chrono Trigger/Cross characters...square has so many options...even Arngrim from VP
Hell yes, I would love Dissidia 2. But they shouldn't worry about it now. I believe SE should wait at least until Final Fantasy's 25th Anniversary, or 30th if 25th is too soon. Let the first installment make its full impact.
If Square Enix was going to mmake a sequal, they would have to include different characters and some monsters as playable monsters. What would the story be though? To make the game good it would have to be new and exciting. Personally I don't think there will be a sequal but an add on pack which you install on to your psp. It would include a nother addition to story mode where you play as the warriors as chaos's story and incluse another mode where you can fight monsters from previous games. They're probably working on something like that but its just aguess. All and all I dont think there will be a sequel.
If they made a Dissidia II it would be awesome if they used different characters not the same from from the first one. and if they actually went all the way to final fantasy 20 x.x I would be shocked.
To be honest I didn't really get the storyline of the original Dissidia. I can't really see why they'd make another one, I didn't think it was all that popular compared to their other games? I personally like it, and would quite like a sequel. For some games I can't think who I'd like as the heroes and villains though. I've never played 1-6, unfortunately, but I think for the ones I have played I'd have something like this:

FFVII Hero: Vincent
Villain: Hojo

FFVII Crisis Core Hero: Zack
Villain: Genesis (I love him)

FFVIII hero: Rinoa
Villain: I don't know. In my opinion, the original Dissidia should have had Squall vs. Seifer, not Squall vs. Ultimecia. Rinoa vs. Seifer just wouldn't make sense, so... maybe Edea?

FFIX hero: Garnet
Villain: Brahne

FFX hero: Yuna
Villain: Seymour

FFXII hero: Fran and Balthier!
Villain: Vayne. Or Gabranth again, I liked him, he should have been in the original properly.

I know some of my choices for heroes might be seen as a little bit weird, but I think they go together well. They're not necessarily my favourite characters but I tried to choose some more famous rivalries instead of just my favourite characters. (e.g. Yuna and Seymour, I prefer Rikku and Auron to Yuna but Yuna has more of a reason to hate Seymour)

A sequel would be interesting. And if they release one I hope it's for the PSP, since I'm yet to get a PS3...
Having Kingdom Hearts characters sounds... wrong. Probably because I never really liked KH.

Anyway, some characters that I'd like to see:
- Gilgamesh (he's popular and he appears in most games, so why not?)
- Setzer Gabbiani (screw Locke, Setzer would be cooler since his fighting style would be more unique)
- Kain (Dragoons are awesome)
- Sazh (Because he's Sazh)
- Ramza (Because FFT is love <3)
- Ultima (dito)
If they made Dissidia 2 they would not be able to put in FFXII Heroes in because those character's weapons were customizable.
Most people I know personally don't believe me that Square Enix is a multi-Million Dollar corporation and is willing to re-make almost any of their original titles just to make sure they hit their top dollar figures each year/month.

As for this title, I bet they will make one or an improved one and probably keep it only for japan.
Well if they do make a dissidia 2 il prolly play it but i agree with the ppl saying dissidia needs to run its course lol but with the new char stuff evening it out isnt as hard as alot of ppl said except in the fanct that one game might have a few more than the others lol like ff9 just pic the more popular characters

heroes:freya, vivi, garnet

Villians:beatrix, blackwaltz 3(my fav waltz XD) and zorn and thorn(mixed together i suppose lol)

Seee that was ff9 and 7 8 and 10 prolly have enough villains to fill the other games bad guy spots.But anyway dissidia 2 will most likely be on my shopping cart XD een if its not till FF20!!!
Ultimate Sequel Idea!!!

I reckon they should make a sequel using more than just two characters frome each game, like have wakka and yuna from final fantasy X and maria, guy and leon from II, they could even have people like Kain, Rosa and even Rydia from IV!!! now that would be a game i would definitely buy! :highfive: :awesome: :P
where it would be awesome to see a Dissidia 2(which will probably come out eventually), what I expect to see is sort of a Dissidia Plus, like KH directors cut where it is only released for japan with new items, recipes and maybe a couple side characters thrown in.
Personally, I don't think there will be dissidia 2. Just patches and add ons with new bosses and characters. SE probably wont be able to make dissidia 2 because to use characters from the newer and non created(15-20) because of custimazation.
I wouldn't mind a Dissidia with KH characters. But the storyline is a tad complicated. Cmon, Sora and...Xemnas/Xehanort/Ansem? Besides, If they did, theyd put Sora and maybe Roxas. You wouldn't play as Riku, again =(

Much as I would love KH characters, I don't think it could work...