About final fantasy 8

I find FF VIII very easy infact. As long as you've got a good understanding of the game, I don't think any FF is particularly difficult from VII onwards.
yeah i agree the bosses in VIII were very dificult...i mean lets face it the only way you can even bet bosses is to use your gfs.and yes it is the most difficult final fantasy game

I strongly disagree. I rarely summoned at all. And usually, it was Cerberus because of the double/triple ability. This game was definitely not the hardest final fantasy game, IMO. In fact, it was one of the easiest.

soggy said:
do people realise that the leveling system applies to the monsters as well? square made this game the easiest in terms of battles....so if you're level 7 with squall, omega weapon will be level 7......and have only 100k hp instead of 1.1 million or something...

Um, yeah. It's not a big secret or anything that the monsters level with you. And to get to Omega on level 7 would require a lot of running away from battles, considering that the same amount of exp is required for each level.
^_^ When i first tried the junctioning system i didn't have a clue what it was a bout, once learned it can become enjoyable, the story is pretty much straight forward to me, i can't see what the confusion is about that. :|

One thing i didn't like about the GF system was the compatibility rating, whenever I switched party members, the GF's would be weaker with some characters.

Yeah the battles were pretty harsh, I found the last battle with Ultimecia to be the toughest in all the FF series, as the ending bosses go, you literally needed 9999 HP, I love The Extreme, I used to battle Ultimecia just to listen to it. :lol:
i heard from a few people that the junction system was really complicated and hard, i myself found it really easy but i didnt like it. Treating the magic like an item wasn't much of a good idea either in my opinion and the whole junctioning my magic to my stats just made me want to save it so i had higher health or whatever which in the end left me almost never using magic. Also the fact that monsters leveled up with you wasnt much of a good idea but didnt really affect me much. I found the story to be easier to understand than VII (which in fact actually confused the heck outta me when i first played it a few years ago) and i really liked all the characters. Speaking of which i never actually finished this game since i had to format my computer before i had a chance to finish it :(
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