About to begin

Jan 8, 2007
Got the game a while ago, but didn't play because I was playing KH2. Anything I should know about beforehand so I don't screw the pooch?
I am not gonna get into a whole hell of a lot of detail because you can find these answers easily in searchs and faqs, but just knowing what to look for is the key.

There are certain treasure canisters that you should not open so you can get the Zodiac spear (one of the most powerful weapons) towards the end of the game. Some of the treasures are right at the begining of the game.

Buy the Grimore's as soon as possible early to get better loot.

Buy the Golden Amulet and Embroidered Tippet as early as possible. They double experience and licence points.

Some people might disagree with me but, I would say to get as many quickenings as you can, as soon as you can. You can defeat a lot of the earlier bosses/marks quickly with them, without having to be at a high level.

If you get loot rewards for different tasks, don't sell them right away. They can be used for certain bazaar goods, and you might not run across them again.

I would buy the strategy guide. There is a montain of helpful info that would be too too dificult to gather on your own.
the ninja speaks the truth.

sometimes i choose not to use a guide book on my first time playing through a game, but for FF12, it's almost essential. get the book.
I,too,prefer to play through my RPG's with no guide,and although possible,you'll miss sooooo much stuff.And there are a few things that I personally would never ever have been able to figure out without it.I usually play for a while from a save point,then check the guide on everything that I did just to see if I missed anything I want.I somehow missed the Zodiac spear,and then I found out it was because I had opened some treasure chests early in the game!!!Tough thing to learn when you're neck deep in Nabudis.Another thing I didn't do was keep all of my characters leveled equally.My 3 are lv.73,and the other 3 are 14,and there are times when you'll need to trade off in a pinch.And definitely get those quickenings,if not for the mist chains,then the tripled MP!!!BUt I'm not sure why Ninja wants you to hang on to loot.He's right in using them for the bazaar,but in order for them to appear,they must be sold.The grimoires are expensive at first,but they're worth it,since you'll get much better drops.Oh,and save often!!!!
I read in an online guide that you can cut down on how many rare items you have to sell if you fill different recipes that share the same loot, at the same time. I don't know how true it is, cause I haven't tried it yet, but it sure as hell sounds better than having to get extra rare loot, and it sounds realistic.

I usually sell the crap I get from the earlier enemies, like before about 1/3 through the game. But the stuff later, like High Arcana, Orichalcum, or Empyreal Soul, takes hours sometimes to get a hold of.
I haven't that about the items,definitely sounds better than tracking down a lot of em.I wish I had known earlier:)