About Zack...


Dec 15, 2006
Hi im new here, and i love ff7, the best of em all!

I heard a rumor about zack being the concept model for cloud,
but having changed clouds model, they used it for zack.

so zack is what cloud originaly looked like! lol
then i found this...

"Cloud's original character design called for slicked back black hair with no spikes, intended to serve as a contrast to Sephiroth's long, flowing silver hair. To give Cloud a unique feature that would emphasize his role in the game as the main character, Nomura changed the design to feature Cloud's now trademark shock of spiky, bright blond hair."
at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_fantasy_7#Development

and here a link to some other stuff on early character designs.

what do you think ? :)
That is really interesting...

I don't know if Cloud would have the same affect on me without the glowing blonde, gravity defying, spiky hair. :lol:
yea same,
Clouds hair is just awesome, gladthey didnt use the original character
thats now Zack xD
Slicked back black hair??? Yikes, lol! I am sure am glad too they didn't go with the early character design...

Cloud just wouldn't be the same without "the hair"! :lol:
I can't picture Cloud in any other way than with his blonde, spiked, gravity-defying hair. Cloud just wouldn't be Cloud without his hair! lol slicked back black hair on Cloud??? Naaaaaah *shakes head*
Yes, that is indeed correct. In the very early drafts of Final Fantasy VII, the story originally had Aeris as Cloud's childhood friend and love interest (but he looked like Zack, infact, he WAS practically Zack) and Sephiroth was either her EX or her brother. So, they changed that by having Cloud as his own character and Zack as Aeris's first love.

In early drafts, Cloud and Zack were the same person.


Of course, this scan does not give you the full story but it was just tons of ideas they scrapped. You get the gist. It's something interesting to know though, isn't it?
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But now Cloud just absorbed Zack memories when Zack was telling them to him and he basiclly took Zack's lifestyle, so what we loved about Cloud (expected for the looks) was what we actually loved about Zack.

So all in all, it wouldn't matter. . . and i like Zack's hair.
But now Cloud just absorbed Zack memories when Zack was telling them to him and he basiclly took Zack's lifestyle, so what we loved about Cloud (expected for the looks) was what we actually loved about Zack.

So all in all, it wouldn't matter. . . and i like Zack's hair.

Actually I'm going to disagree with you on that Staines. While you could see some of Zack's persona in Cloud, I still loved the Cloud more than the Zack side of him. We didn't actually love Zack, because I fell even more in love with Cloud after he got all of his memories back and let go of the Zack persona. So really, I never loved the Zack in him, while it was funny at times Cloud is just Cloud. He'll always be Cloud to me and I loved him even more in AC. That's sort of how I adopted his personality from the ending of the game to AC.
yeah i would have to say ladyAerith that cloud did say that he was choosing to live out booth their lives, though he choose that on his own will he in a way is himself, within Zack, and really is Cloud himself... does that make sense?

So in a way Cloud was always himself, though he thought he was living out Zacks choosen life
Intresting piece of info. Could you imagine cloud without his spikes!? I think i'd have to kill myself!
Sorry but the movie just expose Cloud for what her is... A big wuss that won't let go. I like Zack's look better than Clouds... Cloud dresses like Zack after they merge memory's... So in a way he was living like Zack, not as Zack. In a way his feelings for Aeris were false as they were Zack's... He might of been in love with her but not as much as Zack was... Hence the reason he got so attached to her in a short time. Yes I feel sorry for Cloud but he's get over it and settle for the real love he was in love with... Tifa.
Cloud didn't absorb Zack's memories and fighting style he learned them. After Zack and Cloud escaped form Hojo's lab Zack talked about his life and such. While all that was going on Shinra sent many members of Soldier(sp?) and the Turks after them and Zack faught all them off. Cloud still in a vegetative state learned all of Zacks moves by watching him fight.