Advent Children AC tv series

Death Stalker

Death's Shadow
Jan 23, 2008
My friend has been saying that he would like to see an AC tv series.
The question is would you?
Also I have always wanted to do this, im gonna start this countdown from 666:D

also i forgot 665
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i dnt think id like them turning it into a tv series... they'd just make up a bunch of crap 4 a story and one of the episodes would prob have aerith and cloud hanging out at her church or somethin stupid like that.

uh 663
It would fail without a doubt, SE based the film on a single storyline which lasted around 100mins, a tv series would kill it, apart from the fact they have killed VII in the way of franchising and lightningstorm13 has it spot on when she says it will have a crap storyline and it would just drag...and drag...and drag.
Nah...That will be stupid, don't get me wrong AC is great but AC:The will be the most crappiest thing that SE made.
on a ff trailer on gametrailers they said the compilation i gonna go on for another ten years so it wouldent surprise me if they did

also 659 i think

they r continuing it, but i think its just gonna b more games or a remake... at least i hope so :worried:
Same here because what would there be to do in the series if it has or ever would have been created. they beat sephiroth and the others so there wouldnt be anymore badguys to whoop.
i would definitely watch it out of curiosity but it would be terrible unless they maybe reused the story from the whole compilation and turned into one series that would be pretty cool.

i lost count
If they made a series how are they gonna revive Aerith...By making her a zombie?!

and what about The super,evil,ultimate,powerful bad guy that's always in FF games?Who'll be?

Is he/she gonna blow off in the episodes end and say "Team Rockets"..That was an example:P