[adult swim] in England


I'm nothing but a beast
Feb 6, 2007
It's crap basically, there's barely anything worth watching (Afro Samurai, Modern Toss and Robo Chicken being the only exceptions) and in other countries like America, they show shit loads of anime on it but we don't get none of it...is anyone else pissed off about our lack of anime?
I wasnt aware we had got Adult Swim. The US get loads of anime, maybe because some broadcasters believe the UK auidence wouldnt snap it up as well as the US viewers. Truly sucks though.
You aren't really missing out on anything....they don't really show anything over here (U.S.) that I would qualify as "good" anime, in fact, I usually watch Adult Swim up until the anime comes on, then I turn it off.

There's loads of better shows to watch here then the crappy anime....like Robot Chicken, Futurama, Metalocalypse (my personal favorite), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman, and stuff like that. Most of the anime they show is pretty lame, except when they used to show Cowboy Bebop and FLCL, but after the series got over with, everything else is just kind of...eh, mediocre at best.

so yeah, you aren't missing out on a lot.
I like the anime on America's [adult swim]. InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist and Bleach are all great shows, as well as fan favorites. Personally I hate almost all of other shows shown on [adult swim] except Family Guy Futurama and Robot Chicken.
Eh....I don't feel like getting in a debate, but personally, I think all the anime on the american adult swim is very lame, and not interesting at all. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of crap in general on adult swim, but all the shows I mentioned in my previous post are a lot better then any of the anime on there, period.

Trust me, you're much better off buying good anime they won't show on tv for whatever reason.