Advent Children Mark II

I'm actually quite fond of this movie, so there isn't anything major that I'd change, really.


The English voice acting simply must go. Yes, I had the Japanese version before the English, and accepted the Japanese accents, but that's not giving the English version an excuse to sound horrendous. The advent children themselves, for example. Loz was the biggest surprise. Could he sound any more like a 20 year old softy? Not suiting his character AT ALL. Kadaj was awful anyway, so I don't really know what I'd prefer with him. I was most appalled with Sephiroth's voice sent a shiver down my spine when I heard him talk to Cloud. My jaw just dropped during his scenes.

And not just because the fighting was amazing. :mad:
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Pherhaps something more at the end like i dunno hints towards Cloud and Tifa and what happened with the rest of the guys, but all in all it was an excellent movie anyway so i really don't mind :D.
I would help modify the script in a couple of scenes. For example, when Kadaj speaks to Rufus at Healin.

Rufus: "The item you seek fell from the helicopter while we were trying to escape. We were careless."

Kadaj: "Is that right?"

Notice how the English words barely fit in synch. I think saying "Oh REALLY?" would have been perfect.

Next would be "Dilly-dally-shilly-shally." Ermm. . .Yeah, "Drifting, drifting; always drifting," or something along those lines.
I would give Red XIII a bigger role. He only had one line in the entire movie.
I think that squere enix is going to remake the movie and call it FFV AC Directors cut or something like that. I think that they are going to change some parts of the battle scenes between Cloud and Sephiroth.
I would change when Tifa figths with Loz... She using more than her hands! Uug! the chairs! something! not just her knuckles or legs >:O using something more! Loz was using that weapon and it wasn't fair @___@ She ended like the damisel! NOOO! We need women power >: O
meeeeeee my turn!!!:D i have no problem with the movie "BUT"!!!!:D i want to make it longer:) i'm not saying that the original story is short actually its just fine. nothing i just want it to be longer:D more sumoning, summon battles:D something like that:D

umm... ofcourse i want to see all the characters force to use materia and their strongest fighting skills:D

and finally:) some taste of the weapons:D:) maybe a 4 or 5 hours movie will do for me:D peace!!!
1) I would have loved to have seen Vincent transform into something besides that odd red form in the Forest.

2) Tifa's voice acting. ARGH!!!! *Ears bleed*

3) Loz's voice itself...I hate it! I thought his Japanese voice sounded better.

4) More cool stuff in additional fight scenes, like summons, limit breaks, etc. :D

5) The fight between Cloud and Seph was way too short, durnit.

6) Longer appearances by Nanaki, Barret, and Yuffie.

That is all xD
ok my rants 1-

i'm tired of everyone dissing the nglish voicing i liek it, it works, it's not meant to be perfact since the movie was made in JAPAN!!!!!! of course its gonna be off, so i would keep the english voicing.

ok whatc i would change, of course all the regular playable characters in the game have a bigger role, and thusly the movie is longer, lets make it a great 2 hr flik. the fight scene ill agree needs to be longer w/ sephiroth and cloud. the final limit break cloud uses is nice but it doesnt seem as impactful as omnislash in the game, its cg movies i mean they could do better. elena and tseng needed mroe airtime as well. umm i thinks thats about it, really, pretty enjoyable otherwise :)

ps agree w/ above about more materia needed to be used in the fights and def vincent needed to change.
i would make the fight between cloud and sephiroth longer cuz its only like 2-3 mins which is little, and sephiroth is a legendary swordsman so he should have lasted longer

Bahamut was weaker than sephy and resisted longer than sephy( And he was being beat up by like 8 people !!
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i would change the whole damn script for it totally sucked bad and ill add a way interesting story and stuff and i would change the music... the music in this was sucky apart for the sepiroth theme oh and ill make cloud do omnislash or somthing
yer he does the omnislash to sephiroth at the very end but its different so its called the "Omnislash Version 5"
You know, you're all right with the final fight scene.. and the lack of charecter air time, but remember this when it comes to the air time, this story was about cloud himself, not everyone else..

the one thing I would change in addition to the final fight scene, is this:

Right before Sephiroth apperes in the fight scene, cloud is charging thru the air sword drawn back, and WHAM! the swords hit... (this is what I'd change)

I'd bring the camera in much closer, to about a full body shot, instead of a distant body shot, I'd sillouette the charecters accent sephiroths hair to show that he's now appered, and I'd do a quick pan to the sword changing before the charecters deflect and break away from eachother.

I think that would have been much more powerfull..