Aeris: Innocent or evil?

I know many people like to call Aerith innocent, but think about this. Her only boyfriends that we're aware of are 1st Class SOLDIERs (well she thought Cloud was...and he wasn't really a "boyfriend" but roll with it). That's like top dog material right there. She seemed to be really flirtatious and even caught Tseng's attention. Aerith also seemed pretty insistent on going out on a date with Cloud (I'm assuming this is the canon date since it's the easiest to get). Even when they went to Don's mansion to save Tifa, she went out of her way to find a more alluring dress. My conclusion is this...

Aerith: sweet flower girl on the outside, sex tiger on the inside.

-__- yes this post is a joke, and no I don't think she's evil lol.
There doesn't seem to be much substance for "evil". Her motives are sort of vaguely described though... only interpreted by all the other characters. "Aeris did this to save this!" Really, she never tells anyone what she's doing really. Just leaves. There could have been more to her. Of course, it's all subjective, because she doesn't really have a voice regarding what she does.
heh just ta be different... AERIS ( i thought it was Aerith ) IS EVIL BWAHAHAH AND HER AND SEPHIROTH ARE PLOTTING TOGETHER!!!!
Most certainly evil, I mean only the most cruel die for a billion people they have never met or possibly have and been treated like trash by them :wacky:

I mean risking her life for a little girl the audacity :thehell:

Its obvious now that she isn't evil, yes?
Lol, I agree sis xD

I don't think Aerith could ever be "evil" she never even cusses or calls anyone a name in the game. That says a lot! C:
I never quite understood why Aeris went off like she did. Especially without Cloud whom she claimed as a bodyguard. If she had gone off with Cloud its possible Aeris would have survived. I think its more Aeris is a tragic charater then evil.
Aeris..... Really?

Naah, I mean she's a flower girl come on! xD

Like what PB said, she hasn't made fun of anyone-- from what i remember and she certainly didn't cuss either.

The fact that she was willingly to give her life up to save billions of people? That's just totally what an evil person would do :wacky:

Bottom line is, no I dont think she's considered evil.

Unless someone else has proof otherwise, i'll keep thinking she's good x3
Evil two-timing Aeris/Aerith is evil and two-timing. I posted this earlier.....

Mod Edit: Please try and put a bit more effort into your post. This doesn't really add anything to the thread. Thanks. :)
Aeris evil? WOW theres something i would have never seen coming if true but if aeris is evil then im the freakin lord of Dragon Slayers but putting all that aside i highly doubt she could ever be evil mind you i remember when they interrogated that one guy(you know when he chose out one of the girls out of Cloud who is currently cross dressing Aeris and Tifa) i will have to admit that was funny but wasnt quite evil so long story short theres no way she could be evil EVER!
Don't know what you mean????...............If your calling her Evil for taking Cloud from Tifa..........that's not evil......Just horny lol..........Anyway Aeris is used to dating 1st class soldiers like Zack.........(oh yeah Cloud isn't 1st class)........Well Aeris thought so.
HAHA Aeris, evil? I would say she's evil for taking Cloud away from Tifa, but then again....that's his decision, right? ;D I bet there are hundreds of people lined up after Cloud lollll....he's the one missing out on something
I think Eris is only pretending to be tame all the time. I have evidence.

Once she was not invited to the team's get-together in the Gold Saucer because of her reputation as a flower seller. But she went there anyway, and standing in at the entrance, she rolled a shining piece of summon materia labeled "to the prettiest one" into the room, and went off to joyously partake of a Today's Special.

Back in the party, Tifa, Vincent and Cloud began to argue over whom the shiny materia was meant for. The rest is history. I lost interest in the joke back in the second paragraph.
i think she is Both innocent for Being A flower girl dragging into it, Although it had to becoming she was that of the cetra and evil for running off and doing this and that..lil moron lol