Aeris Revival?

Erm, correct me if I am wrong. Isn't the point of this thread discussing Aeris' revival? It's perfectly fine to have theories-- but it's asinine to dispute facts. Aeris' cannot be revived. Not in any version.

Final Fantasy VII is over ten years old. If she could (and she c.a.n.n.o.t. be,) someone would have done it by now-- in addition to everything else.

If you want to dwell on it as a possibility because it's fun for you to believe it, then by all means. I have silly theories about Vincent. I know they are wrong but it's fun to speculate. There isn't a reason to get upset.

that is the point of the thread, but our little argument brought us off topic. and as i have stated in my previous posts, i have stated that this entire subject is impossible, so thank you for pointing that out. i have miss posted in one of my posts.

i do not dwell on.....well not any more, so i cant really argue your point. and im not getting upset, im waaay too laid back to get upset.

Mod edit~

Keep on topic please, these conversations can be taken to pm, thankyou ;)
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You all do know that she's just a sprite, right? Not like... a real person? Because you could play as Santa Clause if you programmed it in. Other than that, she cannot be "revived" and it seems pointless having any interest in reviving her. She plays an incredibly important role in death and if you could revive her, not only would it create huge plot holes but it would completely negate the importance of her death in the first place.
agree with the above post,Aerith death is so meaningful even Kitase stated "there are many meanings in Aerith's death and that could never happen"
so she will never come back to life.It will take away too much of the appeal of the game.
Yea... I remember when I first played FFVII, and when Aerith first died...

I remember trying to revive her using every method possible, and it wasn't until I first got Internet in mid-1998 that I found out that it was impossible =/

So, yea, it is impossible to revive Aerith, except with Gameshark or equivalent ^_~
no wait... that doesn't make sense there wouldn't be a story if she came back to life.... besides at the end of the game you fight sephiroth and then there's a big cutscene..... i'm confused...
Like many have said it'll stuff the storyline up.. It's like saying bringing zack back to life. where would CLoud be? What would clouds relation be with aerith Would Aeriith be with Zack or CLoud? many confusing question if that we're to happen and Aerith and or zackc\ come back.

I heard a rumor that the only reason Aeris (not Aerith!! <-- like in KH >.<) died was because the developers weren't going to make the deadline unless they acted fast so they cut Aeris out to lesson the load, althought that is probably vastly incorrect.
Aeris is dead, I know that much, but she come back in AC which is a bit o_O.
She's like a superghost in a way. :lol:
She is dead but she's still there... I think. :wacky:
Places like youtube are full of rumours that she can be revived. People argue that because of what happened with Holy at the end of the game, her death was pointless and therefore she should be revived. However, I think that completly misses the point. Personally, I feel that her death is made more poignent by the realisation that her prayer ultimatly failed, and that she died in vain. I don't know, it just adds a sense of bittersweetness, in that the thing she prayed and died for, ultimatly didn't work.

Plus if she could be revived, it would completly cheapen the whole life/death plot of the game :P
I don't think she died in vain at all, Holy didn't fail - it did exactly as it was intended, unfortunatly, that didnt work out to weill for the people. It was up to Holy to decide what was best for the planset, and Im guesssing it helped Meteor becasue it wanted rid of the humans

Also, note the life stream that stopped Meteor in the end. Aeriths doing

If Aerith didn't die or was reviavble as an unlockable - her spirit in the lifesteam wouldn't have been able to stop meteor :monster:
I really do wish that Aerith would get revived so I can play as her again. Anyways if Aerith did not die just like Bambi said she would have not been able to stop meteor. Maybe she could have stopped it anyways. Aerith was one of the best characters and I wish she was revived.
This is the most annoying rumour there is out there. Sure maybe i believed it once when i was 7 but cmon it just wouldnt happen. And as stated above by sacrificing her life she inevitably saves the entire world and all the people living in it. I reckon it was her destiny to die when she did.
I heard a rumor that the only reason Aeris (not Aerith!! <-- like in KH >.<) died was because the developers weren't going to make the deadline unless they acted fast so they cut Aeris out to lesson the load, althought that is probably vastly incorrect.

MASSIVELY incorrect. The decision to kill of a party member was present from the start of the story. They were trying to decide between her and Barrett, but this was still in the amazingly early stages of the game. After this, Aerith's role was given to Tifa and given a new role.

Places like youtube are full of rumours that she can be revived. People argue that because of what happened with Holy at the end of the game, her death was pointless and therefore she should be revived. However, I think that completly misses the point. Personally, I feel that her death is made more poignent by the realisation that her prayer ultimatly failed, and that she died in vain. I don't know, it just adds a sense of bittersweetness, in that the thing she prayed and died for, ultimatly didn't work.

Her prayer was not in vain. Holy was summoned, and had it not been held back by Sephy, would have worked.

Plus if she could be revived, it would completly cheapen the whole life/death plot of the game :P


I don't think she died in vain at all, Holy didn't fail - it did exactly as it was intended, unfortunatly, that didnt work out to weill for the people. It was up to Holy to decide what was best for the planset, and Im guesssing it helped Meteor becasue it wanted rid of the humans

It wasn't helping Meteor. It was fighting meteor, but their battle was too close to the surface for Holy to go full force, and the half force battle was still messing things up on the surface below.

Also, note the life stream that stopped Meteor in the end. Aeriths doing

If Aerith didn't die or was reviavble as an unlockable - her spirit in the lifesteam wouldn't have been able to stop meteor :monster:

Assuming her revival was plotular at all.
And the lifestream did not destroy Meteor. It pushed Holy and Meteor back so that Holy could go to town, which it did once it had enough clearance.

Actually, it is impossible, in the english release. Square removed the cave where you go to revive her when they released the game for us.

then do u think that the makers of advent children forgot that aeirth was revived. :P
so u think in the japanese version of advent children there was a revived aerith and cloud ws all happy, right.....

wel your wrong !!!