Aeris vs. Aerith

Aeris Or Aerith?

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Aeris because that was how i have always known her as, everytime i say aerith, it sounds like i have a lisp. And aeris just sounds prettier i think
I have mixed feelings on this. I picked Aeris because the first time I played through FFVII it was on the American version and Aeris was her name. However, as I now start to respect and learn more of the Japanese culture and their involvement in games, I've almost instinctively called her Aerith anytime I go to say her name or type it.
I actually don't mind either spelling, and have used both in the past, but I do prefer 'Aeris'. I'm not especially fond of the 'th' sound :P
Aerith for me!!!

Aeris reminds me of "heiress" which, in turn reminds me of Paris Hilton... I HATE Paris Hilton...
'Aerith' sounds like someone with a lisp! Aeris sounds better, and suits her more...though I can;t deny the clever anagram of 'I earth' for Aerith.