Aerith vs. Tifa

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Tifa would win in a fight. I saw something like that in a manga, where someone suffocated a guy with thier boobs. Tifa would do that.

((Note: the manga was Zombie Powder, not a hentai thing))
someone saw my msn name XD bout fricking time XD

Now what do you mean by Aerith vs tifa? who cloud loves? who would win in a fight?

Elaborate please :)
I'm moving this thread to the Final Fantasy Fun section since it's much appropriate to have it over there. ;]

I mean, in just about everything. A fight, a fight over Cloud, a fight over being cooler, a fight with the wall. Anything they could compete in.

And yes, AG, I saw your SN, lol.
yeah defo tifa by a long shot she is sexier looki and would kick aeriths ass anyday hands down tifa all the way no competition game over end of the line i think i have proved my point now lol
Tifa wins over Aerith in a fight, Cloud's love, and surviving an encounter with Sephiroth. (Tifa fighting Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2)
Tifa wins over Aerith in a fight, Cloud's love, and surviving an encounter with Sephiroth. (Tifa fighting Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2)

Aerith Beats Tifa in a fight - why? Because Great Gospel > Tifas limits

Tifa wins Cloud love? Prove it :lol: give me something to counter here - rather than just "Tifa wins"

:rolleyes: Yeah Tifa wins over Sephiroth...Thats why Aerith is the one whos Foiled Sephiroths Plan....twice might i add - while being dead

so in short Aerith > Tifa
Have we decided that it's okay to have an Aerith vs Tifa thread now?
This is all pure opinion and nothing can be proved.

Dead Aerith vs. Tifa. Tifa wins.

Aerith vs. Tifa (fight). Assuming Aerith is able to take enough abuse to get her limit break off then Aerith wins. If not then Tifa wins. (limit breaks set at 0 in beginning)

Aerith vs Tifa (for cloud)- Aerith knows how to flirt very well while Tifa is more reserved when talking with Cloud. However, what Aerith doesn't got on Tifa is the boobs and childhood memories with Cloud. So it's a toss up. Does Cloud go for the flirt who is into having fun? Or does he go for his childhood friend with big magumbos? Since i like Tifa better i'd say Tifa but it's all a matter of opinion.
Aerith vs. Tifa (fight). Assuming Aerith is able to take enough abuse to get her limit break off then Aerith wins. If not then Tifa wins. (limit breaks set at 0 in beginning)

:lol: without her limits Tifa is nothing - Magic Pwns Fighting in FFVII and Aerith would be able to cast more of it more often thanks too the all materia

Or does he go for his childhood friend with big magumbos?

Tifa and Cloud weren't Childhood friends :P and why does Everyone always talk about Tifas boobs instead of Tifa as a person? honestly she does have a personality somewhere - Tifa is more than just "Magumbos"
i would say tifa mainly due to the fact she is more understanding of cloud and since she helped restore cloud in ff7 so cloud owes her one if you get my meaning (not a sexual referance lol)
You forgot Yuffie! Why does every freaking person forget Yuffie!

Yuffie wins hands down. She a ninja, she's fast, she's long range, she has a harem, and she probably has more materia than both Aerith and Tifa combined.
I used to think Aeris but i like Tifa's look in AC and i just can't imagine Aeris fighting as good as Tifa. Plus Tifa can be just as good with magics than Aeris because of Materia. Limit breaks can only get you so far Aeris.

But when it comes to being pure and good and a martyr, Aeris wins hands downs. I think Cloud would do better with Tifa.
You forgot Yuffie! Why does every freaking person forget Yuffie!

Yuffie wins hands down. She a ninja, she's fast, she's long range, she has a harem, and she probably has more materia than both Aerith and Tifa combined.

you forgot that materia lowers health and strength so yuffie is easily beaten down with physical attacks
Aerith cus she has that stick weapon, although Tifa could suffocate with her boobs
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