Aerith vs. Tifa

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LOL, I'm sorry but you just demonstrated that you have an IQ of less than 100.

Insult #1

Fucker. >_> <_<

Insult number 2

Pure gold. As if I wasn't convinced enough that 2/3 of the people at this site are retards, you just prove my point further. Congradulations.

Insult number 3 - and misspelling of Congratulations

And you're trying to be a pshycologist now? Fail, Garrison

Insult number 4

If you want to atleast seem intelligent and know what you're talking about, then read Case of Tifa, which is is like the prolouge to AC.

Insult number 5 - also heavily biased - MoTP is also a very interesting Aerith read - and disproves trhe whole "Aerith only loved cloud because of Zack thing"

Insult number 6

So sadly it seems that some people cant have a friendly debate without insulting and flaming other people :rolleyes:
why are all you Clotis obsessed with Sex? Please.

It's not a matter of being obsessed with sex, it's just a matter of saying it because we know it annoys the fuck out you.

That, and because we're normal people. ;p

its only Necrophila if he shags Aeriths dead corpse - and since he doesnt do that Clerith isnt based off Necrophlia. if you think that the only way you can love someone is through sex - then your pretty pathetic - the beauty of Clerith is that Cloud and Aerith can still love each other without sex.

And therein lies the problem with 'Clerith', since they weren't 'in love' in the first place. First, I'd like to ask you to prove your claim. Second, people, especially prudish couldn't get any to save your life ones like yourself, have got to realize that joking about sex=/=evil. People in a stable, romantic relationship have sex, whether you don't want to believe it or not. Then again, I can never expect too much out of a male who calls himself "Aeris Gainsborough" (I could use another word that would be so much more appropriate..., but I won't :P ). Your username and obsessive Aeris fanboy-ness says it all.

also stop telling people to "Get out" Judge Rulia, Rydia, and now this person - all these people are either Ex-admins, Senior members, or people who overall just post more productive and less drama posts than you.

To which I call bullshit and say "prove it". :O Post count proves nothing if all it consists of is

Rydia the oh-so productive Garrison =P said:

LOLZ you are so damn obsessed. XD XD XD


Rydia said:
Well someone's a bit obsessed with two blocky video game characters having sex

oh gawdz it hurts

Rydia said:
HAHA where did I say that sex was evil? I bet I get much more than you do. :P
Rydia said:
Damn it's so fun to piss you off. XD

I smell a troll and it sure isn't Tana. ;p

and if you have to revert to insulting people to prove a point then you have a pretty weak argument ;)

Maybe Radiant Garden's post was so retarded that I didn't want to bother typing an intelligent response because it would've gone in one ear and out the other? dun dun

Me thinks you should follow your own advice and get out.

No, I'll stay. The forum could actually use some intelligent members. :)

Aeris is alive in KH so CleRis is completely logical. It could happen.

On what basis?

Tifa's in KH, ruinin' ur AUs

Insult #1

Insult number 2

Insult number 3 - and misspelling of Congratulations

you said:
its only Necrophila if he shags Aeriths dead corpse - and since he doesnt do that Clerith isnt based off Necrophlia. if you think that the only way you can love someone is through sex - then your pretty pathetic - the beauty of Clerith is that Cloud and Aerith can still love each other without sex.

also stop telling people to "Get out" Judge Rulia, Rydia, and now this person - all these people are either Ex-admins, Senior members, or people who overall just post more productive and less drama posts than you.

and if you have to revert to insulting people to prove a point then you have a pretty weak argument ;)

Ironic that the one correcting my grammar has made more than enough mistakes himself. Revert? I think the word is "resort".

Insult number 5 - also heavily biased - MoTP is also a very interesting Aerith read - and disproves trhe whole "Aerith only loved cloud because of Zack thing"

more spelling errors


MOTP said:
"You did it, Tifa. Thank you... I'm a little jealous of you but, do take care of Cloud in the upper world."

Tifa embraced Cloud tightly as he returned to his senses."

You can't be in 'true' love with someone you don't know. It's false, it's "blind". When Aeris gushed at the start of MoTp, it was comparable to puppy love, really. It's like having a crush on a dashing celebrity - you dream up idealistic qualities that you think they have, but the real person might not really be like that. When your love for someone is tangible and true, you continue to love them even if they're exposed to be something "sub-par"; Cloud is messed up, he's hopeless in many ways, he fails, but Tifa's love for him has never wavered. When Aeris watched the Lifestream revelation along with Zack, she wasn't appalled by Cloud's pining and weaknesses, but she did loose all of those romantic notions she had - especially when she saw who his tender memory & secret wish was for. She was content with Cloud starting a life with Tifa, and her romantic love did dissipate into a motherly one.


Insult number 6

So sadly it seems that some people cant have a friendly debate without insulting and flaming other people

Says LA's worshipper (who was notorious for being a drama queen herself and ranted about me on the CxA forum) ex dee. :devil2:
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Haha your funny.

The very fact that you keep replying shows how damn obsessed you are. XD XD

*Waits for Tana's next flame*
Tifa kicks so much ass, so she would win in about 2.2 seconds. Bwahaha.

Well yeah, but Aeris is a mage and uses magic more often.....

But not seriously, heck yeah!
No offense, cleriths.
I like Aeris too, she's a great character.
*please don't kill me....* :|
Then again, I can never expect too much out of a male who calls himself "Aeris Gainsborough" (I could use another word that would be so much more appropriate..., but I won't :P ). Your username and obsessive Aeris fanboy-ness says it all.

Lulz Unoriginal insult much? lots of members use usernames like that - Judge Ghis for example - she is a female.

To which I call bullshit and say "prove it". :O Post count proves nothing if all it consists of is

Im sorry sweetie - Rydia normally makes contructive posts - i thinks theres just something about you that makes her act retarded. i expect its so she can understand it.[/quote]

Tana said:
Tana said:
oh gawdz it hurts

I smell a troll and it sure isn't Tana. ;p

Turn down the font size Please - attention whore.

And i shudder to think of what you really do smell like.

Maybe Radiant Garden's post was so retarded that I didn't want to bother typing an intelligent response because it would've gone in one ear and out the other? dun dun

Well why bother typing a reply at all?

No, I'll stay. The forum could actually use some Arrogant members. :)


Tifa's in KH, ruinin' ur AUs

Yet cloud runs away from Tifa every time, and shes portrayed as slightly stalker-ish - true love there im sure.

You can't be in 'true' love with someone you don't know. It's false, it's "blind".

Same could be said for tifa - she ignored the real cloud in her childhood.

Says LA's worshipper (who was notorious for being a drama queen herself and ranted about me on the CxA forum) ex dee. :devil2:

No im not a worshipper - its called being a "friend" maybe when you actually get one you'll understand that fact.
I would say that Tifa might have the upper hand here when it comes to fighting. I'm sure Aeris can prove her worth since being a White Mage is very handy, but as far as offensive attacks go, Tifa will definitely be in better water. Aeris would heal herself, of course...but how much can one heal itself, anyway?

Now, as far as the love triangle go, I'm not even gonna bother with that. I cannot emphasize enough that it's all based on people's opinions and that's that.

Finally, as far as some members here go, we should just all "get out" and relax for a bit, hmm? Maybe we could all get out and hang out or something...I'll be the referee in case some things gets out of hand, but cheering for a couple people. =)
I would say that Tifa might have the upper hand here when it comes to fighting. I'm sure Aeris can prove her worth since being a White Mage is very handy, but as far as offensive attacks go, Tifa will definitely be in better water. Aeris would heal herself, of course...but how much can one heal itself, anyway?

Agreed. Which is why I'm all for them fighting alongside now.
Mutual support is the way to go, as each has her own advantage in battle.
So yes, I agree more with this post, Mitsuki.

Forget my above post lol

LOLZ you are so damn obsessed. XD XD XD
Spam number 1.

Judge Rulia said:
Aeris is alive in KH so CleRis is completely logical. It could happen.
Irrelevant. KH has no relation to FF in any major sense, and thus cannot be used as canon evidence for argument.

FFGuy said:
argument can be made with no swearing or insulting i am sure
Pseudo-mod number 1.

Aeris Gainsborough said:
Insult #1
Insult number 2
Insult number 3 - and misspelling of Congratulations
Insult number 4
Insult number 5 - also heavily biased - MoTP is also a very interesting Aerith read - and disproves trhe whole "Aerith only loved cloud because of Zack thing"
Insult number 6
So sadly it seems that some people cant have a friendly debate without insulting and flaming other people
Pseudo-mod number 2. Grammatical hypocrite number 1.

Rydia said:
Haha your funny.

The very fact that you keep replying shows how damn obsessed you are. XD XD

*Waits for Tana's next flame*

Spam number 2.

FFGuy said:
are you ocd tana? (serious here)
Spam number 3.

Fuck it. I'm not even going to bother going through the rest of this thread. Not only have you all ruined a perfectly innocent thread (except for one or two of you of course), but you've earned yourselves a singular, and ONLY verbal warning, along with making yourselves look like complete idiots.

For those of you who have concerns with Tana, I'll talk with her. For those of you who responded to spam and unnecessary comments, you'll also be dealt with.

Anyone who is responsible henceforth with similar threads/posts with a similar conclusion to this one, you'll be placed in the Forum Prison for the causing of drama.

Grow up.

Thread closed. :dry:
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