After Lunatic Pandora


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 16, 2006
ok...i just started playing this game about a week ago for the first time since it came out and things were going great...but then stupid me i forgot that after u beat Adel u cannot go back in the world and go into towns and after all that playing i was waiting to get all the extras and squals lionheart blade after Lunatic Pandora...i saved after the time compression and then i was screwed...i was pretty sad that i coudnt get all of the good who thinks that square messed up when planning this...they couldve at least posted a warning or something before u go into Lunatic Pandora:mad:
LOL. I had the same problem my first time through but I was in worse shape. I somehow managed to screw up on my GF's abilites so I couldn't call Shop to buy items or anything. Also, my card collection was pretty good though not the best. I just quit playing the game for awhile and then I picked it up, started from scratch because I didn't have a save file before Lunatic Pandora but it was all good. Managed to beat the game though I skipped over some stuff.
well thats why you should save on more than 1 slot! Tonberry's speacil abilities should help you abit!