

White Mage
Jan 13, 2007
I've actually beaten this boss and am quite far now but when I encountered it, it was absolutely ridiculous. When it started to split into loads it was like how the hell do you expect me to find the real one out of sooooo many. It kept striking me and Disabling me (which was an utter bitch). I just thought this boss was the ultimate cheapness due to the main points of Disabling, teleporting and then duplicating into sooo many others. I was so relieved to beat it but it was one tought son of a......Well you get the point.
I never got disabled, but then I always used to try and take it out with quickenings a.s.a.p. But yar, it took me a long time to beat.
Ahaha, yeah that was tough, but on my second playthrough, I used Esuna regularly, and used remedies/handkerchiefs when necessary.
on ahriman i just used my physical attacks til i got it weak and then when it split up i did a big quickening (about 15 combo) and the finisher killed all the clones so i just finished off the real one and won with no difficulty
Pretty much whenever he duplicates himself lots of AoE helps. Quickening chains rock, fira is good and cura is great as well because he's undead. Pretty much in any fight where you dont know which mob to target because theres so many...make it easy and target them all :D
This was an easy fight for me. I just did berserk on Basch with Ashe healing and Vaan doing physical attacks. Once he split up I just Did a cura on him and it took out all the clones. Easy.
Said above. Quickenings and Cura. Curaja is even better, if you take the time to look for it before fighting it.

Just make sure you don't screw up the quickening, if you're getting disabled as often as you say you are. You might as well push the restart button if you do.
wait until you have a definate chance of pwning ahriman in a quickening then use it otherwise you can end up being defenceless after using it
At first I got my ass whooped when I fought the Arhiman, then with a bit of training I was able to take him. I hated how he multiplied into several more of himself and made it so that I wouldn't know which one to hit,--:mad:
but yeah your best bet would be to berserk one of your hard hitting party members.