Airship Comparsion Topic

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
It says comparison in the topic title. I know, I know... hypocrisy. Shut up. At least it's not another character comparison topic. This one's about airships, an icon of the series. It's the only thing to be consistant throughout every single game. Every game has had an airship. It's never not been the case. Some times you can control them, some times you can't. I want to know... which is your favorite and why. Here are your choices...

Final Fantasy I
The very first airship. It has no name. Can travel over mountains.

Final Fantasy II
The second airship. It too has no name. Can travel over mountains.

Final Fantasy III
The first airship with a name of sorts... it's Cid's Airship. Cannot travel over mountains.
The first game to feature more than one airship. It's the Enterprise.. how original. It cannot explore space... it cannot even go over mountains. It can only land in water.
The Nautilus. Can land on grass or water (post-upgrade) but still cannot fly over mountains.
The Invincible! To quote FF Compendium "Can land over any terrain besides water, because it never actually lands! You just take a ladder down from it. It has four vending machines, a free bed, and a Fat Chocobo inside it. Also, in any fights you encounter (on the Dalug continent), it will automatically give a cannon blast to the enemies at the start of the fight. You can leap over a small mountain path by pressing A."

Final Fantasy IV
The FFIV's version of the Enterprise. Can go over mountains.
The Falcon. Can go over mountains... can also drill from the underworld to the overworld after upgrade. I'm sure that makes more sense if I"ve played the game...
The Lunar Whale. Probably the worst named ship of the series, you use it to travel to the moon. Again, probably makes sense if I've played the game. You can rest inside and visit a chubby chocobo.

Final Fantasy V
The only airship in FFV... It has no name but it can do it all! It's not only a ship that can go over mountains... it also becomes a boat... then a submarine! It slices! It dices! It makes Julian fries! And when reinforced with Adamantite, it can go higher than ever before!

Final Fantasy VI
Setzer's Airship! Comes with everything from item shop to casino... and can fly over mountains. Huzzah!
The Falcon! Sound familiar? It should.. it was one of the airships in FFIV. Now it's reborn in FFVI!

Final Fantasy VII
The Highwind. We all know and love this beauty. Can travel over mountains, hull chocobos, and transport your crew anywhere large enough to set this big sucker down.
The Shera, named after Cid's wife. Not built but found, this beauty is reminescent of the Highwind... but a lot more powerful.

Final Fantasy VIII
She's built like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro... it's Balamb Garden! Definitely built for comfort, not speed, this baby is a floating city. Huge, powerful, slower than my cousin Fred.
The exact opposite of Balamb Garden, it's the Ragnarok. Sporting one of the coolest designs of any airship in the series, this baby is fast and sleek. It's even got autopilot.

Final Fantasy IX
The Prima Vista. Huge, impressive, a grand sight to be sure... cannot be driven, only ridden on. It crashes very well though.
The Hilda Garde 1! Yet another airship in FFIX that can only be ridden on.
Cannot be controlled, again... it's the Hilda Garde 2!
You can control it! Sweet maple syrup lolly pops! It can go anywhere but only land on grassy or brown areas.
The Invincible. Yet again, another throwback airship. This baby is impressive. It's grand, fast, and is equipped with a mega cannon on its hull. I'm not sure why. It's powerful enough to blow up Alexander though, so that's all we really need to know.

Final Fantasy X
An unnamed ship this late in the series? Unfortunately, yes. You can technically control it... but it's not freeform control. It is equipped with a large set of missles on it's side though... enough to destroy home... enough to give that badass wyrm guardian a buttwhoopin'. Not only that, it's fast enough to escape an explosion... n-i-c-e!
The Celsius. Not just a man, not just a temperature measurement, but also an airship for sphere hunting pop-singers and the ilk. Kind of looks like a red motorcycle of the sky.

Final Fantasy XI
Another unnamed airship. Cannot be controlled, can be ridden on. Tickets are 200 gil to ride. The ride is in real time, which is very cool and realistic.

Final Fantasy XII
The Strahl. An interesting looking ship. Very sleek and modern in design. Again, the manner of control is not freeform. Usage of this ship is off and on throughout the game. Can only land in specified areas...
go highwind from ff7 it was the best sence it could carry chocobos it was the best!!! and it also was very useful to mess with weapons!
final attack phenix
My favorite is definately the shera. man, what I wouldn't give to have one of those badboys.
I've had manya great times with the Highwind, but the Ragnarok probably the coolest. Followed by the Lunar Whale and Invincible (FFIX). Saying that I've come to have a soft spot for Setzer's Blackjack. A Casino in the skys!, brilliant!!!
I've always liked the Ragnarok from FFVIII. It looked so cool when it attacked the Lunatic Pandora
I've also got a problem with the Shera. You say it's named after his wife, but Cid never married Shera unless I missed something :unsure:
Ragnarok for me too. There's so much to do in it, it can land anywhere, go into outerspace, has a really cool Chain Gun in the front, you can play the CC club members inside of it, & the name Ragnarok is just so f*cking cool.
Ahhh, so many to choose from! Well, I'll try to analyze this. My most favorite would have to be Balamb Garden. Heh, yes I know it's slow as a turtle, but I really love the unique idea that the Garden can be used as a means of transportation. And then of course, it's built for comfort, so you can go inside whenever you wish and do...whatever. Also, the Highwind. I'm really attached to that airship for some reason.

Now, when it comes to speed, I'll have to go with Ragnarok. That thing was fast as heck! And of course, the inside is very cool looking too.

As for unique designs, I'll have to the Prima Vista and The Celcius.
1st favorite - The Invincible
2nd favorite - The Highwind
SEE! Comparison topics are fun :P


My favourite Airship is the highwind ^_^ mainly because it was the First controllable airship i ever obtained and its pretty much got it all

Second favourite is the invincible - the giant eye thing is way freaky - hello! LOTR reference anyone?
The airship from FFV is my fave. Second fave would be the Invincible from FFIX.
The airships in FFIX are freakin' awesome. I can't say that i've seen a more interesting looking air ship! Much <3 to FFIX.

I have to go with the Celcius. It just looked pretty bomb up there in the skies. Fighting Evrae and Sin atop of it, Carries missiles to blow holes into things, having TONS of technology put into it, and Its SUPER fast!
If the airship in VII could hold Chocobos, this baby could carry a stapede full of em'!
My favourite has to be the Highwind but the Ragnarok looks really cool too.
The Prima Vista at the start just looks amazing. I love the style of the ship this old school kinda look, allways looks the best in my opinion.

Then after that is Garden, because of the way you get it. The way I never saw it coming that it would be able to move at all. I was thinking how are we going to doge them and it was a great way imo. So I loved everything about it, though i know it can't go anywhere but it's still very good
If the airship in VII could hold Chocobos, this baby could carry a stapede full of em'!

Huh? What's a stapede of chocobos? I'm confused. You mean like a lot of chocobos? Or... running chocobos?

Stampede (n): a sudden, frenzied rush or headlong flight of a herd of frightened animals, esp. cattle or horses [or chocobos].

this baby could carry a [sudden, frenzied rush or headlong flight] of chocobos. I don't understand. Did you mean lots of them? Cause that's all I can think of.
Invincible from Final Fantasy IX. Simply breath-taking, even though it pissed me off, how it utterly obliterated Alexander the Eidolon in Alexandria after its fight with Bahamut. They red eye is just plain 'ole awesome. One of Garland's greatest creations.