Alexander is a.........

I'm probably wrong but i always thought he was the escense of Alexander the great, or the times of the dark ages.. knights, kings, swords and all.
I--for some reason--thought he was an artificial summon. It might be possible for the likes of FFVII (I can't say for FFVIII; I haven't got that far >.>), but not for IX.

As for what he/it is.... I guess it's just another form of "What gender is Quina" kind of questions.
I'm pretty sure he is Holy, so probably just allways something to do with holly all the time. Though what extaly he is i'm not sure just someway to use holy. FFVIII he was that giant robot, FFIX he was a castle. So in terms of a tittle I would probably have to go for the easy way out and say Alexernder Holy Jugement.

It's been pretty randoms it seems what he has been and that's just a guess because I have no real idea at the moment.

Normaly it has something to do with the form or the element it uses as your examples show, But trying to think of a good title for someone that uses holy and the form seems to change every FF. I would think is hard. titles such as the holy avanger or king of castles/robots are very lauthable. So not a clue.
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I'm pretty sure he is Holy, so probably just allways something to do with holly all the time. Though what extaly he is i'm not sure just someway to use holy. FFVIII he was that giant robot, FFIX he was a castle. So in terms of a tittle I would probably have to go for the easy way out and say Alexernder Holy Jugement.

It's been pretty randoms it seems what he has been and that's just a guess because I have no real idea at the moment. Well anyway that is my guess

Uh, we know what element he uses, we just don't know what Class he falls under. Like the example in the first post which you... should've read, Bahamut is a Dragon King. In comparison to that, I fail to recall Alexander gaining such a title.

"Holy Judgement" as a title... doesn't exactly make sense, either.
That's i always ask to myself!!! Even if maybe Eden(FF8) is as strange as alexander(maybe ven more...what is that "thing"!! a spaceship!??!)
However it seem like a Holy castle with a Tipical Medieval Knight head!
But we are talking about final fantasy guys!! Nothing is impossible...!
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I always had Alexander down as a machine. The description in VI (in the espers section after completion) says "Mages brought this ancient machine to life".
I always had Alexander down as a machine. The description in VI (in the espers section after completion) says "Mages brought this ancient machine to life".
Also you have to look at his appearance in Final Fantasy VIII as a machine-like enormous cannon/gun. I think many peple here are looking at Alexander's appearance in FFIX (which is also my favorite of the Alexanders), but in previous games he was usually mechanical.