ALL Dissidia second outfits

Hey guys, just letting you know I've merged these threads. There was no need for two threads just to discuss Dissidia's 2nd outfits.
dissidia hmmmm its awesome with clouds outfit(AC)makes him cool so i use it thats why its my favorite character oh forgot how to explain to change clothes you should go to your main characters cuztomize mode and when your there try pressing traingle again so that you can change their outfit if it doesnt work you should buy their outfits at the pp shop thats all kapu!
Seconds outfits

I wanna know what's your opinnion about seconds outfits of some characters.
I love Cloud's 2nd outfit cause it's from Advent Children and he got this awesome sword xd (for those who are bored with Buster Sword)
And also love Tidus 2nd cause it's from FFX xd and 1st outfit is pretty strange to me, But Tidus always was in the same clothes, so they have to come up with something. What you think about it?
I've not played the game yet to know for sure about all the second costumes... However they were all posted up here a while ago when the Japanese version first came out and I was able to view them there.

I must say that some of them really interest me / make me happy and satisfied.

I particularly like;
Green-haired Terra
Amano art colour Bartz
Ex-Death's second outfit, which resembled the Ex-Death ghosts / spirits that are fought in the library in FFV.
Onion Knight's second as Luneth - Because it essentially can be seen as a different character.

However others dissapointed me... Many were just simple colour changes, and some were colour changes not even based on the art of Amano or anything in game... Kefka's costume didn't look much different from his other costume, for example... I would have prefered for them to design it differently and have his FF6 PS1 cgi look (the one that Youtube Kefka also wears) or something similar.

On the whole though there are some good ones and I can't complain too much.
I haven't played the game yet, so I'm a little clueless. But, I did see Cloud's costume on a Youtube video. His AC outfit is pretty cool, but I would rather stick to his first outfit. They actually keep his original hairstyle from the game, which relieved me a little. Cloud's AC hair is nice, but I just miss the original.

As for the other oufits, I've only seen glimpses, but they don't look all that bad. Guess I'll found out when I get the game.
I love cloud's AC one :3 Also, the SeeD one for Squall was just awesome to see after the EX burst. I havent seen the others, but they may all be good
I really like clouds second outfit, zidane's and tidus's =3{for some odd reason i dont like tidus' dissidia outfit}
Kinda like/d
: Zebra Bartz
: Original Cloud Solider uniform [ The dark purple almost black one ]
: Kinda like both blonde haired and green haired Terra/ Tina..
: The original FFX Tidus costume
: SeeD Squall

The rest don't know or don't really care about much..

Some like Garland and Ex-death don't have much changes expect maybe a different shade of colour which is kinda disappointing....

But Squall in his Seed uniform is hot so kinda like that second uniform change the best..
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I hate both Tidus's outfits. There's barely a difference, except that his second one has brighter colors...? I an barely tell from far away xD

Personally, I like & use:
- Firion's 2nd, Red is just for him, along with the different haircut.
- Cloud's AC clothes
- Onion Knight with the Luneth look
- Squall's SeeD (Rinoa was right about him being the best looking guy at the dance. xD)

And Sephiroth 2nd, without a shirt :P when he goes EX, with the wing, it looks awesome.
I don't quite know how you guys think Squall looks good in his SeeD uniform <.< To me, it looks like it's too tight for him or something. It just doesn't look right. It looks like he was given the wrong pants or something -_-

I kind of wish Cloud didn't have that piece of cloth over his left thigh... The black Soldier top looks good, and the pants do, too. That extra is just.. I don't think it needs to be there. His normal Soldier uniform (purple) just looks... strange xD
cloud's FF7 look didn't translate well into Dissidia. the half-cape on his AC form was in the movie as well.
It was in the movie, I know, but it doesn't seem like it's really needed there xD Would've been better if he didn't have it, in my opinion.

If FF: Dissidia allowed the player to customize the clothing (colours, pieces, etc.) that would make the game THAT much more amazing xD
Most of the only had their clothes differ in color.
Probably because you won't see them in any other outfit.
Unlike Cloud who appeared originally on a SOLDIER uniform(although a little bit different), and his awesome look in AC.
Squall had his SeeD uniform and his black jacket and pants. I kinda like how they tweaked Squall's look in Dissidia from his original costume.

So meh, kinda disappointed on the alternate look thing, they shouldve named the others as "Alternate clothes color" lol
firion's wasn't bad, and OK got his luneth look, but for most of the cast i'm thinking they just got lazy. small complaint on my part though.
Hey guys, I merged these two threads together. There was really no need to have two Second Dissidia Outfit threads. Please make sure you check to see if we already have a thread before making one. Thank you! ^_^