All Mages?


Mar 20, 2007
new york
i feel like i constantly need magic jsut to get past everyone and get from one cave to the next. are all your jobs mages? (im not that far, so their levels arent very high) every once and a while i try and switch it up but i just cant. it winds up being a waste of a pheonix down.
hahah okay then..
well i have 2 reds and black and a white. and i dont realy pay attention to how "cute" they are or arent lol
My 1st party was four White Mages, equipped with the Fire/Ice/Light staves, but I realised that was a bad idea when I was up against a boss monster that was immune to magic.

Four Black Mages would have been bad for healing, so that was never an option.

Red mages can use decent weapons and armour, as well as having enough magic to get me through a dungeon if I needed it.

My typical party usually consists of Luneth as a Red Mage, Refia as a White Mage, Arc as a Black Mage and Ingus as a Thief (because they look the best in their respective jobs), but I wanted to try having them all in the same job for a change...

Red Mages seem to be the best all-rounder (so far) and I suspect they'll continue to be the best choice through almost the entire game, at least until I get the final set of jobs, which I'm guessing will have the most powerful jobs to choose from.
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yeah thats what i was thinking, its just annoyiong bc when my MP levels go down i havbe to hope theres an inn or a wellspring or soemthing near by... right now i have refia as a white mage, luneth as a red mage, arc as a black mage and ignus as a red mage. idk thats been working so far. i tried using theif but they werent very productive for me, and i felt that i needed magic in all of my party members jsut to be safe
In the first cave I went to, I took four white mages because just about everything in there was undead and just kept casting cure on everything. Wait, I may have taken one warrior cause of that sword you get... Can't remember too well.
Nah, I've already beaten the game, Im just saying I would not try an all-mage challenge as they kinda suck when it comes to dealing damage until you get Aeroga, and the like.
Red mages won't be as good later in the game when you can learn higher level spells. They kind of actually become useless. But they're great for the beggining when the rest of your characters are weak.
no but i have alot of people that know magic. i have always used magic when im in sticky situations and it comes out for me most of the time
I have a Magus and a Devout.
I dunno about sages...Are they good? I know they can cast all kinds of magic but are they that great?
yea iv found my best part is a black , white and 2 red.
the only reason i even found this out was because i went to have a warrior and he couldnt equip whitebane so i was like FUDGE but my red mage could
I tired the 4 red mage but it was too much like hard work. I tried to put in a white mage and that was no better in the end i followed the powerful combinations in the guide and that is helping my through the more difficult of battles.
yea im having a hard time beating medusa with 4 red mages so i think im done with this challenge.

i hate the MP system in this game so that has a lot to do with it also
Currently each member of my party is a mage. I have Luneth and Ingus as red mage, Arc as a black mage and Refia as a white mage.
i have the same concept with 2 reds a black and a white and i like it but i put the game down for a while so iahvent gotten too` far where supposedly all mages are "useless." how far into the game does anyone reccommend changing out of all the mages..
No no currently at goldor and i find mages to be well, not useless but just not really that helpful. im no fan of the mp system either. i have dragoon monk knight and red mage and im fine. its just that mages arent really up to spec. i mean, i see no point in having four mages really. i mean red mage is fine. he knows like blizzaga and stuff and he can also heal my hevy hitters like monk while thare dishing out damage. i mean try throwing in a sommoner or a knight. sommoner like...sommuns and knight can use cure and poisana and the like so i would throw one in. it is not that an all mage party is useless, its just that is unusual. but unusual can be a good thing, so go for it.

oh yeah, your question....well i would switch out right after you get the levigrass boots from the sewers. not totally, but i would keep only 1 red mage and switch him to sage ASAP. and then to wean off your mage-niosis disease switch your other red mage to knight. the other two you are free to chooze but PLEASE dont keep the white mage. devout i guess i can understand but wht mge is just a waste of space if you have a red mage and people have argued but i beat the original like 50 times and i know. just make sure you fight goldor with at least 1 hevy hitter and only one mage. K? hope i helped. Later
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Currently, I have two mages. White and black mage. I'm considering switching one of my characters to a sage and have the three remaining ones be knight, summoner, and ninja...

While I'm a fan of mages, I really don't see the point of having two mages...or all four mages, for that matter. =/
Currently, I have two mages. White and black mage. I'm considering switching one of my characters to a sage and have the three remaining ones be knight, summoner, and ninja...

While I'm a fan of mages, I really don't see the point of having two mages...or all four mages, for that matter. =/

To exploit Boss weaknesses you know, but against the last bosses that's kinda useless.

But as far as I know the last bosses don't have weaknesses so...