All-time Favorite cutscene

of course it would have to be the motorcycel scen in FFvii when cloud take the bike out the shinra building. i would say it gave me goose bumps
FFVII - Aeris death scene, the ending FMV with Holy & Meteor as well as the Red XIII ending FMV.

FFVIII - Ballroom Dance Scene, the Lunar Cry & the entire ending FMV

FFIX - The destruction of Alexandria.

FFX - Pretty much all of the FMV…

FFX-2 - Again pretty much all of FMV… ;)

FFXII - The entire beginning FMV.

My all-time favorite scene would be the FFVIII Ballroom Dance.
My all-time favorite cut-scene would be when Sephiroth walks through the flames in Nibelheim. Doesn't matter if it is the VII version or the CC version, I love it. Followed by the 1000 Words song by Yuna in X-2, and then the underwater kiss scene between Yuna and Tidus in FFX.
My all time favorite FMV would probably be in FFVIII when Squall is approaching Dollet, absolutely epic!!
I think mine would have to be where Squall rescues Rinoa from the Sorceress Memorial, I just wish it was longer. Also the very ending of VIII is epic, but I think out of all the FMV's that probably tops it for me
I was quite the fan of Edea's Parade in Deiling City myself; it's just a shame the entire sequence of events wasn't in CGI.

From IX, I'd have to say the ending to disc one; 'Kuja Leaves Burmecia', and all Kuja-related scenes, fell nothing short of amazing.

In X, Operation Mi'ihen, the opening, the ending and Yuna's Wedding all got me on the edge of my seat.

Practically everything in XII had me hooked but the best cutscene was, quite clearly, the one between The Judges and vayne, quickly followed by the scenes at the top of the Paramina Rift and The Bahamut.
The wedding in FFX. I really liked it when Yuna fell off the edge of the temple and summoned Valefor to catch her.
Then comes the end of VII. Totally epic, the meteor and everything.
Oh god >_<

That was absolutely amazing -kicks self- and also Dave for forgetting about that one

Hmm, as for VII, I liekd the escape from Midgar one, I like the motorbike, and also, Aeriths death

IX - the battle between Bahamnut & Alexander

X......The one where Seymour summons Anima and Auroin kicks some monster butt

XII....... =/ I dunno
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Seymour summoned Anima, not Bahamut. :wacky:

If we're including Kingdom Hearts in these discussions then I'm going to mention the scenes between Xehanort's Heartless/Riku and Sora at Hollow Bastion, as well as the one between Xehanort's Heartless and Sora at The End of the World. If anything, I learned to love them, purely because I had to watch them so many times in order to get past the bosses. xD
There is a 'general Discussion for KH Dave, you should no better, thank you :wacky:
I have a lot of favorites xD

In VII, I love the scene with Cloud and Tifa under the highwind. The part where Aerith dies was quite memorable as well.

Since we seem to be including Crisis Core, I must say that Zack's death scene was unforgettable. I love the part where Cloud finds Tifa at the Mako reactor and caresses her face as well ^^

In VIII, my favorite was the dance scene. I also like the ending scene where Squall and Rinoa kiss for the first time.

In IX, the ending part where Zidane reveals himself to Garnet

As for XII, the wedding scene between Ashe and her hubby guy