All welcome the princess of writing!

Nov 25, 2006
Hi! As you can see I love to write!:D I'm also really interested in marine life. Even the most discusting creatures of the sea are cute to me!:D (That includes hagfish. Which most people find unbearable to look at.) Of course I love final fantasy too! My favorite final fantasy is Final Fantasy VI which is the first final fantasy that I played. Final Fantasy also gives my a lot of story ideas. I have a very big imagination.
Welcome to the forums! I hope you love it here ^_^
Ill be your first friend here ;)
BTW are you gonna post your writing?
Hmm I guess I haven't thought about that yet. I probably won't post my stories because none of them are really finished. I have a hard time finishing stories, but I guess I could post my poems I 'll have to look where I can post some.
hey,welcome Princess of Writing,i don't like writing that much.
well,hope to have a great time here and fun.
if you want any friends feel free to PM me,i'll gladly be your first friend.
yo POW!:lol:
how u doin?
could u put me in 1 of ur stories or at least write about me??