Am I at the right level?


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 21, 2006
ok you know how you go into like a new area in the game or just somewhere new and you don't know what your level needs to be for that area well can anyone just for the areas they still remember or are doing tell me what they think is a good range for levels to be in a certain area?

EX: giza plains range is like what 5-8 (? i don't remember)
level really dont matter if you know how to use your party in a fight. i went back down to the waterway for a hunt. most of my characters were at level 31 taking on fiens lv.40 and i had no problem.
yeah i guess i went down there to try a mark (mutant flan) and died at like lvl 25.... but i got past some fiends so that makes sense
yea me2 but i keep comparing between me and the guset cuz i guess the guset have the right level in certain place:rolleyes:

I just beat the game and thinking back i would have to say that ultimately its about strategy...not levels. Though for some leveling up is the strategy for sure. But you see the paradox is that the best way to level up (imho) is to dive into the deep end of an area w/foes at higher levels than yr party. Sure you might have to bust out the pheonix downs but eventualy it pays off.