Am I The Only Guy Who Likes...

Captain Squee

Like a pirate, but with class.
Jul 27, 2009
The seas be my home
Rever Seurwit
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Timber Owls <Owls>
first thing i wanna say is i wasnt sur for this to go in The Sleeping Forest or if it fit under Costa Del Sol so i will apologize now if its in the wrong one, i just figure this an important topic

so i am a guy and i like to cuddle...To me its amazing when i cuddle with a girl and almost every gril i have ever cuddled with (not necisarily dated...i have cuddled with more than i have dated...) said that it was weird and they never knew a guy who liked to cuddle...I always figured it was weird.

Then out of curiousity i went and asked several other guys if they liked to cuddled...i got two main responses...either they said "No i dont really like the cuddling" or "Well i dont go for the cuddle i only do it when the girl wants to"

GUYS: Do u like to cuddle? What is ur veiw on it? What is ur reasoning?

GIRLS: Have u ever dated a guy that likes to cuddle? Do u like cuddling guys? If u never dated a cuddler, would u like to? Do u like cuddling urself?

just thinkin about it made me wanna make a post...
I actually like to as well. There's a certain closeness that you get from it that isn't found anywhere else imo (warm fuzzy feeling :grin:). But I think most guys won't admit it or try not to feel that way is because there's some macho image they have to keep up, publicly and even mentally. Maybe.
But I like to and I don't see anything wrong with it :)
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I'm with a cuddler now. It was cute at first, but he's WAY into it a lot more than me, plus I have a very needy cat - so between him & the cat, its kinda annoying -_-

So I guess my advise to you is when you are in a relationship with a girl, try not to cuddle too much, give her some space once in awhile ;D
I don't mind it at all if it's like during a movie, or I'm sitting around a fire with a girl at night, or we're layin' in bed 'bout to fall asleep for the night and it's going on. Like, I don't like a girl who's overly clingy and always on me, but there's certain times where the girl will be close by and it's just the perfect time to put your arms around each other.

I will say that some guys I've run into are all for holding onto their girlfriends 24/7 with is kinda pathetic. Gotta let her breathe sometimes. The more clingy a person is, the more unsecure they seem. I think it's different for couples who are engaged and married though. I see no prob with a girl wanting to cuddle most of the time, but a guy who's obsessed with it, meh, kinda weird.
well just for the record, i like to cuddle yes but im not obsessed

i see the cuddle moments being the following

music/movie time
bon fire
bored and feeling lazy
bed time
after a good date
after a party/main event

just for the record
GIRLS: Have u ever dated a guy that likes to cuddle? Do u like cuddling guys? If u never dated a cuddler, would u like to? Do u like cuddling urself?

My last boyfriend wasn't a huge cuddler. I don't mind it, but I would also need some space as well, especially when I sleep.

I mean, a hug every now and then would be nice and whatnot, but being single right now, I really couldn't give a damn. lolol
Well all depends been with "different" tempered girls. I really only do it on situational ways, because I'm a hands off type of person. When being intimate.. that's one thing.. but well.. here's what I mean.

I won't exploit my exes, but I will say there have been some who are offended if I don't cuddle while we are in front of other people. I just hate it, effin hate it. I don't do it now, and the girl I'm with is on the same page as I am, but I will say it's not one but three girls who have been like this.

Here's the thing though, I'm very warm. I mean REALLY warm. I call myself too warm blooded, so if the girl is even the slightest warm, I get a bit uncomfortable. And as all who known me, I put my girl in a bear trap when I sleep. I'm 6'0 so I fill out just nicely and I guess its the rhythmical breathing.. but really never fell asleep without wrapping my entire body around my girl.

So to answer, I only do it after certain things.. I don't really "like" doing it but it is comfortable when ready to sleep or watching a movie..
This seem to be more appropriate in Costa so I'll go ahead and shift it there.

[Thread Moved]

As for the question, yes I'm with a guy who loves to cuddle. I think it's cute, honestly, especially when the moment is really right. He's not overly excessive with it, don't get me's not like we cuddle every single day, although there's really nothing wrong with that either, in my opinion. We don't like to cuddle in front of people though...that's just uncomfortable. We save it for quiet moments, especially on rainy days. Just lay down in the couch and cuddle with a blanket on top - I mean it's perfect. So do I love cuddling? You bet I do. :)
My Steve is very affectionate and he loves to cuddle, though we're both the type to not do it in public.

We hold hands when we're out but we don't like to do much else because it's just screams 'attention seekers'.

Plus it makes people feel awkward when they're not with they're boyfriend or girlfriend, if they have one.

But yeah we like to cuddle and we do it a lot when we're at home. Just not when we're out as much.
ah its good to see im not in as small a percentage as i thaught i was lol. I had no idea there would be this many, and surprisingly there has been no one to say the hate cuddling so thats good news to me lol
If you really love your girl, how can you hate cuddling? *puppy eyes*
Explain me that because... I don't know if that's even possible!
I don't think Ive ever been with a cuddler...wasn't really one for too much affection really myself tbh. Although I think Ive softened in my old age because cuddling is like, awesome now... but I know if the novelty wore off and he still wanted to cuddle loads i'd feel suffocated :rage:

I love a good hug though :monster:

There's nowt wrong with it, as long as it doesn't get to clingy I think....

For some reason, people try to cuddle me when Im at concerts or hold hands or something, it's like bugger off THIS ISN'T PRACTICAL. I always try to stand infront of who Im with as well...may wel just be there on my own hahaha, but it's when they try to put their arms round me from behind it REALLY winds me up.

Cuddling, huh? I suppose I'm fine with it. I could easily go the rest of my life without doing it, but there's no shame in sharing a close and affectionate moment with that special someone.

One time, I was watching a movie with an now ex-girlfriend, and she fell asleep basically on top of me. I had to take a HUGE dump, but didn't want to move and disturb her. So yeah...I held it. For like an hour and a half. I didn't soil myself, but it was a photo finish when the credits rolled. In cases like that, I can do without the cuddle thing.
Only one guy I dated liked to cuddle more then me. The rest werent bothered. I love cuddling, everyone should try it, of course with your partner, not a member of the public lol.
If you really love your girl, how can you hate cuddling? *puppy eyes*
Explain me that because... I don't know if that's even possible!
well i cant answer that, i always liked cuddling, i cuddled with more than 2x the girls i have dated hahaha

well i have no problem disturbing someone if i have to move lol
One time, I was watching a movie with an now ex-girlfriend, and she fell asleep basically on top of me. I had to take a HUGE dump, but didn't want to move and disturb her. So yeah...I held it. For like an hour and a half. I didn't soil myself, but it was a photo finish when the credits rolled. In cases like that, I can do without the cuddle thing.

Omg xDD

If that happened to me, she'd be getting shoved right off, although, I have held a poo in for ages just because Ive been to lazy to get of my arse and go shit, so maybe, I wouldn't the effort involved might just be too much xD

But uh , yeah, I like cuddling through films, that's probably my favourite time to actually.... just snuggle up and get into it, but then it's a bitch when the other person wants to move when you're all comfy

..Im thinking this cuddling lark is more hassle than it's worth now -__-
Omg xDD

If that happened to me, she'd be getting shoved right off, although, I have held a poo in for ages just because Ive been to lazy to get of my arse and go shit, so maybe, I wouldn't the effort involved might just be too much xD
I know, right! XD

Dude, even as I type this, I'm holding some back simply because I can't be bothered to get up and move. Though the fact that my brother's been in the bathroom for the last half hour doesn't help much either.

Bambi said:
But uh , yeah, I like cuddling through films, that's probably my favourite time to actually.... just snuggle up and get into it, but then it's a bitch when the other person wants to move when you're all comfy

..Im thinking this cuddling lark is more hassle than it's worth now -__-
Same. I agree. Now that I think about it, I've never really bothered with cuddling outside of movie watching. With a movie playing, there's nothing else to do but sit around with each other.

But yeah, a hug or a highfive would be better.
Personally i don't mind abit of cuddling, i mean girls enjoy it (well the ones i have been with do) and i have been told that nothing makes a girl feel safer than being wrapped up in a guy who's crazy about her's arms clothed or not.

My current Gf loves it when i have my arms around her, and i do enjoy making her happy, so yea, i enjoy cuddling.

I do like cuddling but not for a long time, I don't like to be touched all that much either. I get uncomfortable easily and perhaps that's the reason why I don't like to cuddle for a long time and a long time for me means about....10 minutes or so, more than that I need the other person off me. o.o
The things that I don't mind for any amount of time (unless I have to stand up) is having them lay their head on my lap or vise versa oe having them sit on my lap, or having them sit on my lap. I dunno if that is cuddling or not but I suppose that I don't mind for a while.

.......Yes, I like for boys to sit on my lap.......

<.<;; ...........
I'm with a guy that likes to cuddle. Hell, more than I do, I think, at least in some situations... Like, I'm fine with cuddling in bed, but only until the point where I'm actually about to fall asleep. I gotta be on my own for that, hell, I even prefer to sleep under a different blanket when possible, though my boyfriend hates that. (it's just that I hate waking up in the middle of the night to find out that it's way too hot and I'm lying in someone's sweat =\ bleh)

Other than that... We're hugging or touching each other the majority of the time we're together, come to think of it. Might sound clingy, but meh. Sitting at the computer - I'm most likely to have an arm around him, kitchen - plenty of random hugs from behind when one of us is doing something, watching TV - I'm usually in his lap.

We're both not big on being all over each other in the presence of other people though. Plus I doubt that they'd be comfortable if we were. Almost perfect match, huh?