Am I The Only Guy Who Likes...

I've grown to like cuddling more and more over the years. My boyfriends have always been cuddlers, so I suppose I've just gotten used to it; I felt awkward cuddling anyone before, possibly because my parents aren't cuddly.

However, there are certain points in time when I just feel like keeping myself to myself for a while...I'm feeling this way at the moment, actually.

Oh, no matter how cuddly I feel at a point in time, I do not like to cuddle as I sleep! It gets too warm and Chris is very fidgety at night...he gets up three or four times each night too. >_<

I'm not a fan of cuddling whilst watching a movie oddly. I dunno, I'd rather focus and it's very difficult to get comfortable and settled. >_<

I also don't like to cuddle whilst I'm eating. :lew: I'm a real foodie so prefer to focus on my food. Cuddling is distracting. :(
Ehhhh I dunno about cuddling... I'm not an overly affectionate person. But I think it depends on who I am with. If I am head over heels with the guy then I might want to cuddle with him. Gosh the word cuddle sounds so gay.

Sam, my ex was a cuddler and i did not enjoy cuddling him at all... it feels so feminine when a guy only wants to cuddle and snuggle and whatever else. Men must be manly :hmph: Cuddling is not really very manly so I do not find it all that attractive, tho I don't mind a bit of playful snuggling before bed I guess.
When I cuddle with a gal I'll let you know. I used to hug people all the time though so cuddling doesn't seem that far out of my reach.
I quite like cuddling. It's warm, close, and comfortable :grin: My girlfriend and I like to cuddle :yay:
I do not like the word "cuddle" so I shall call it an "open hug".

My boyfriend loves to open hug when we watch movies, and it's alright I guess but it makes it awkward when I sit cuz he doesn't have an ottoman :rage:
Also don't guys' arms get tired around the other person? I'd imagine it would...having to prop it up and keep it there...never being able to move...sounds painful :damon:
I think it's a bit gay to be honest, not that there's anything wrong with that. I just prefer sex over cuddling.
I am a mach macho man, so cuddling would ruin my image and it would probably reduce my testosterone levels.
It's probably fine in small amounts but it is not really my cup of tea.
*looks at original post* Oh god, I typed like that? Someone shoot the old me with the grammar gun! On a second note, I didn't expect this thread to come back o_O

I also don't like to cuddle whilst I'm eating. :lew: I'm a real foodie so prefer to focus on my food. Cuddling is distracting. :(

Cuddling while eating is kinda...Is it even possible? 8(

Anyway, my views on cuddling has changed a bit since I posted this. Back then I was very clingy, so cuddling gave me that sense of security. Now, while still enjoyable, I don't do it as often. I'd rather have more of my own space on some days, but since Courtney went up to college, when she comes down to visit, which is every other weekend, I try to fit in as much time together as possible, spanning from bowling and laser tag to cuddling whilst watching a movie. So now that I've grown up a bit it's a little less clinginess and much more situational.
I always did enjoy the cuddling. Then again, I do take after cats. First the cuddling, then the petting, then the behind-the-ear scratching, then the nuzzling, then the purring.
Haha, if that's true, that's awesome, and reminds me of Chris and I.

Cuddling while eating is kinda...Is it even possible? 8(
Yeah, you can cuddle up on the sofa with a meal in front of the tv... It's tricky, hence why I focus on my food. It would go cold otherwise! :(
I've grown to like cuddling more and more over the years. My boyfriends have always been cuddlers, so I suppose I've just gotten used to it; I felt awkward cuddling anyone before, possibly because my parents aren't cuddly.

Yeah I never used to be as cuddly until I met Steve.

My parents weren't overly affectionate in that way. Not too many hugs or anything. I never even saw them cuddle each other.

Then I had a few boyfriends that were really unaffectionate and hated holding hands in public and all that crap. I really hated it. I wanted to feel like I was someones girlfriend if that's what I was to them at the time!

Then I met Steve and OMG it was so refreshing! He loves being affectionate even more than me sometimes but I love it. >.< I love feeling wanted. XD

We'll snuggle in close together when we're sitting in the lounge eating dinner and such. He'll cuddle me while I'm washing the dishes or something, which I do get annoyed at sometimes because I can't focus on the task at hand with him distracting me, but overall I love it. :ryan:

Men must be manly :hmph: Cuddling is not really very manly so I do not find it all that attractive,

All the guys I dated before Steve hated cuddling and such and they were the most unmanly of all. Such cowards. <_<

My Steve is very manly! :gasp:

To an extent I know what you mean though. Some guys are just overly affectionate and too clingy even in public. I hate doing that stuff in public. I feel awkward in front of people.
Ahhh its not so bad if your sitting in watching a movie with your girl and she cuddles up to you but im not really an overly affectionate person like that. It doesnt so much bother me but sometimes can feel a bit uncomfortable. Sometimes though its really nice.
Theres a time and place for it. In the privacy of your own home. Dont expect that from me in public. And i dont wanna see it in public from other people either.
I've not had a girlfriend since, 08 I believe. I'm not into that stuff. I'm not gonna be the cuddler, I'll be the cuddlee. Yeah, I don't like being around the same person for too long. So if she's clingy she can GTFO. I really am not too sure. It'll have to happen first.

My parents never ever did that. They don't even sit next to each other on the couch. That middle seat is always empty. I've never seen anyone cuddle in real life to be honest. It's pretty weird. Not many loving relationships around.
Hmm I don't mind it. Like a lot of things in relationships I prefer it to be a spontaneous thing. When it becomes an expectation or mandatory it starts becoming extremely tiresome and irritating. I've had girlfriends who get offended when I refuse to cuddle. Usually it was become I was too warm or just in general wanted some 'me time.' After explaining this time and time again I still didn't manage to avoid offending/hurting the person.

I don't really see myself as 'half a whole.' I'm an individual and prefer to remain so even when in a relationship and unfortunately most girls don't like that. I have friends who are pathological cuddlers to the point were even their girlfriends look stifled. I'm guessing there's an equilibrium of cuddling to non cuddling within a relationship and you have to find it. -_-
I love to cuddle with my boyfriend :ari:

Cuddling is an easy way to get close to someone and express your love for them. I don't like doing it for extended periods of time (unless we are in bed) but it's REALLY nice to do every once in a while. It's like a really long hug :ari: