Am I the only one who actually WANT this world to end?

Mr. Zombie

Dead man walking
Sep 9, 2012
I'm posting this here because I really think posting this at the "Sleeping Forest" forum and treat it as serious would be too hilarious.

Well, the thing is:

My brother and every other credulous human I know and/or see FEARS death and the idea of the world coming to an end in 2012. Honestly I think that would be the coolest thing to ever happen to this floating pile of magma we call Earth (?), and the idea of dying sounds very comfortable to me, after all the ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ crap I'd to endure (I just don't kill myself because I'll go to Hell :andry:). C'mon, life is overrated. Sadly, I'm 99,99% sure it won't happen, but if it were to end, how would you feel, and what would be your last actions before the closing of the curtains?
How can life be overrated? :wacky: Death is nothingness...what a stupid thing to say...

No I don't want the world to end, though it definitely wont happen in 2012 and if it does happen it wont be til I am long gone... so I'm not worried.
The world can't end yet, I need FFX HD and FF Versus 13... then the world can end whenever it like :grin:
How can life be overrated? That makes no sense no matter how you analyse it. The world wont come to an end and i certainly wouldnt want it to. There are too many good things in life to enjoy, that i enjoy doing, havent done and certainly things i plan to do.

Life is what you make it. If you think its overrated chances are you arent enjoying yourself very much and thats not a good thing. Thats something that you need to fix. Either see a doctor or get out there and go enjoy yourself.

There are people dying out there and all they wanna do is keep living. Everyone's dying but not everyone's told its gunna happen soon. So imagine being given a timer, a countdown pretty much. I think your opinion would change pretty quickly were you told you only had x amount of time to live.
Seriously man you should make the best out of life and enjoy it as much as you can. Its maybe a cliche saying but its fucking true. Im only gunna be Lewis once in this life. So i wanna make sure when i am on my deathbed with my family around me i can think back and say you know what. I had fun and did my best. I dont want to have any major regrets.

I have a tattoo on my chest and it says. Live free. I stand by that motto

Also as a side note. 99.9% of people who commit / attempt suicide dont want to die. They just want to put an end to the pain that they're feeling.
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Noo . The world cant end yet. I still haven't visited Glorious Nippon and met Gackt yet. Life isnt overrated. There are many things in life that are enjoyable such as final fantasy, food and hot bishies :mokken:
I refuse to let the world end because I still have to watch the next season of Game of Thrones and read the last Wheel of Time book (eventually). :mokken:
I wouldn't want the world to end! o_O Theoretically, if it did, I'd probably take a trip to see a close friend, return to my parents a couple of days later, and call everyone I care about to say goodbye! Sod's law, the roads and telephone lines would be blocked as everyone else would have the same idea. -_- In this situation, I'd probably spend all of my time trying to get in touch anyway, whilst panicking. I don't fear death, per se; I fear a painful one.

Life is certainly not overrated! Life is filled with opportunities; death contains nothing. For most of us on FFF, each day is what we make of it. We have computers, we can communicate with millions of people, we can write, draw, play music, teach and read. We can create things, see things, meet people, learn skills, develop skills etc. Granted, not many of us can pay to fly in a hot air balloon on a regular basis or drive a fast, sexy car or drop down from space, but we can make each day rewarding. We can work towards a goal, taking one small step towards something new and exciting every day.

I don't really want to die until I'm in my 90s (I say 90s because I can't imagine being 'with it' afterwards). I hope to teach English for many years! I want to inspire students, encourage those who dislike English and/or find it hard, change a couple of lives, meet the love of my life and build a home with them, own a few more cats, visit a few more places, write a book, complete all the FF games (that one's a bit sad, isn't it?), read maaaany books, learn more music on the piano, violin and guitar, learn more histroy, science, geography...etc etc. The list goes on.
My question... on what scale do you rate life for it to be overrated anyways??? :hmmm:
Life...overrated? I'm not quite sure how you came to this conclusion.

Life is full of opportunity if you can get off your ass and look for it. Crap's happened to us all, and there's only so much time to wallow in self pity. Life is constantly proceeding, and like it or not, you're proceeding along with it. Destruction represents regression at best and stagnancy at worst. Life goes on.
No. You're not the only one. Just part of a small minority who needs a kick up the arse to wake up and stop being so damn - I dunno - depressingly eschatological.

I'm one of those who thinks we pretty much get one chance at life. And here we are. Sure, there are countless times when you think about lost opportunities you either threw away or couldn't reach through no fault of your own; or mistakes you've made that you wish you can go back to correct, but they're not good enough reasons for someone like you with plenty of years ahead of you to entertain the idea of just doing away with life. Then again, I don't know why you find life overrated to begin with, so there's only so much we can say.

I know there are plenty of barriers, but I'm not one to sit back and think about death. I'm going to go pursue something and to carry on living, enjoying what I have with the people around me and the shenanigans we get up to. Even if I don't fully succeed, I will rest knowing that I at least tried.
I want the world to end too, not because i want to die but because the planet and its habitants NEED that we humans die. Im asumming that the world doesnt explode but rather suffer some cycle in wich it would be inhabitable for humans but like Dinosaurs era there are going to be a renew of the world ecosystem.

Lets not be selfish, the extintion of the human race is a small price to pay in exchange of the everlasting reing of life. Lets face it we will never change so the world need to end. If its this year then my last action would be with my parents until the day ends.

Life its not overrated but our excistance it is.
I'm not sure that I agree with the "Life is overrated" comment. Life really is what you make of it - however much of a cliché that may sound. The people that think it's overrated tend to say so because they don't know what to do with their's.

The whole idea of wanting the world to end because it would be cool is quite selfish when you think about it. You assume that because you don't like your life, and don't agree with the way that other people live theirs, that the world ceasing to exist would be the best course of action. Why would you want the people that you care about to suffer? I for one wouldn't. A majority of the people I know are so happy, and I would want is for that to carry on.

It's a shame that unhappy people need this myth of the world ending to cling on to; ironically it makes them happy.
Ye know those Maiyan's (the ones who made that 2012 prediction) accidentally wiped themselves out, poisoned their own water supply by tossing the bodies of their sacrifices in there. What a silly race, hmm? :mandi:

That said, I'd probably do some heavy travelling before the end.
for the record, the mayans predicted this cycle as it were would end with massive world wide earthquakes. according to their beliefs, the world has already ended about four or five times and every time humans have re-populated the planet. it also explains (to them) some of evolution. for example when the world flooded, some humans evolved into fish. when the world was swept with massive winds, humans survived by clinging onto trees and eventually beoming monkeys.
Even though most humans irritate me, I don't want this world to end. Now, if we got to "jump ship" to a new planet that humans can live on, then I might not care what happens to this planet. Until then, this is home. I might be angry, annoyed, etc during the day, but deep down I love this planet, and some of the people on it. :)
Hmm. I think I'm one of those pessimists who'd prefer if the world ended. No, I don't believe that life is overrated. But it certainly is difficult and I find it especially troublesome to deal with my issues. Maybe it's because I'm going through a lot at the moment why I feel this way. Who knows.

Does this make me selfish? Sure. But isn't it human nature to be selfish? I don't see anything wrong with one stating that they'd prefer to see the world end, no matter how "negative" or "self-centered" it may be. I still consider my feelings to be valid - just as valid as those who claim that there's "more to live for."

I may not have any major physical ailments, diseases, etc. - but emotionally (&& I guess spiritually) I'm drained. Having the world end would be a last resort thing. I wouldn't consider committing suicide since I lack the courage to do so. && honestly, it'd make the situation with my family much worse - see? Humans can be selfish and considerate after all!
Tbh, life is what you make of it. I feel like if you spend a lot of yours wishing the world would end because life is inconvenient for you then...maybe you need some help or something :( The only people I could think would possibly wish their lives to end would be those suffering with terminal illnesses like cancer or something, those who are so old their day to day lives are physical and emotional torture, or those who have such severe addiction or mental illness they are looking for a permanent escape from the day to day. The rest of us hopefully have the means to make a change for the better in our lives.

I'm not exactly elated with the turn mine has taken this last year, but keeping a positive attitude has kept me in a state where I know things can and will eventually change for me. While that isn't always an easy thing to do, my faith helps me do this, day to day. Not every day promises to be a great one, but we are fortunate enough to be able to simply live day to day, while others are not.
I want civilization to end sometimes, but not the entire world. I feel that we screwed up along the way. We introduced indoctrination early. We were so bored that we created a currency system to exchange for "essentials." We put the fear of god in people, due to it was falsely associated with morals. We created a "government" where the majority is overruled. We stopped our main focus of science and instead picked up entertainment. We foolishly gave millions of dollars to actresses and sports stars, who have one job in life. Our singers are now paid only by record labels where they have to put on "entertaining shows", whereas independent musicians don't earn enough to support a family.

We instituted taxation in which taxes lower incomes much more than upper incomes. We instituted a false economy, where economy is run off of marketing ploys, instead of actual hard driven facts. We put the fear of government in people. Our every action is and one day will be monitored, due to one day our resources will run dry and there will be a great need rise from the lower income people. The monitoring will be excessive due to we are realizing how much Real Estate is really worth. The lack of in the States, and the cost is overly cost ineffective. The middle and the lower income brackets will all fall into the same category. There will one day be chaos, it is assumed.

We as humans have not tested ourselves enough as of late. I don't mean wars. We have gone way out of our way to denigrate the fabricate of our beings. Our assumed knowledge is becoming modern day wisdom, instead of true experience. We are becoming jaded with each day that passes, we are becoming more bored. We see nothing left, but to ridicule and cause drama as to hope to not be bored. Our sarcasm is beginning to be cumbersome, and folks are now realizing that 13 dollars an hour in the US can't even cut it due to the cost of living.

People's false religions are becoming their pseudo, dogmatic, societal-norm idealisms. The search for truth and honest work is becoming extinct. Our success these days is judged more on appearances. What you own is becoming who you are.

I don't think anyone should have to perish, but I think we are in trouble. We change ourselves fully to earn a job, a wife, and kids. We assume we need it all, and we stop at nothing to get to the end of the rope.

This is reality to me. It's a scary place, but I am trying to find a good few people, who aren't self righteous and indignant that they expect everything. Expect nothing, earn your way in life. Share love, be you and for god sakes, pay it forward.