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I still remember having to watch WWE videos on Myspace video. YouTube wasn't around yet. :(
I wonder what would of happened if Hitler lived and he won and like he had children... if he had a girl would she have the moustache as well ? :ahmed:
facebook didn't exist yet!

it did. in the hearts and minds of the socially connected. they knew what they wanted to do for years and years and years. but they also knew it wouldnt be possible without some sort of global network. they did stockpile photos, statuses and life events right up until 1993 when they eventually came to the conclusion that even with a global network they just couldn't support such a complex application. they discussed it in a cafe one day. that just happened to be the day that marco pollick francis zuckerberg was listening into conversations in cafes for potential get rich quick schemes.

that is the real story of facebook.
Rory locked Hitler in a closet.

Funny thing, that was the last of Hitler in that entire episode. :hmmm:
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