Anima and Lord Seymour.

Indeed, keep all your aeons on overdrives. However, each one will only get in one hit, so use them wisely. I also suggest you stock up on potions, and especially pheonix downs since I'm guessing he takes your part out with ease.

If you can, equip weapons and armors with elemental-nulling spells. Yuna should have learned nulling spells by now as well.
before you enter the battle make sure your aeons have there overdrives and then go into the battle and kick Seymours butt until he calls out anima then use your aeons and then when you beat anima use whatever aeons you didn't use on anima on seymour and you should win.
Use Nul magic because after you take out Anima I think he uses elemental magic that hit two characters and since you know the order of his moves you can use Nul****
Roxas 101 said:
before you enter the battle make sure your aeons have there overdrives and then go into the battle and kick Seymours butt until he calls out anima then use your aeons and then when you beat anima use whatever aeons you didn't use on anima on seymour and you should win.
One flaw in that plan,after using an overdrive it will slow down the turn for your summon giving him the oppertunity to destroy it and attack again on your party.
Blitzball helped me beat him,I took like 2 weeks and just played blitzball and I got this strong item that I threw and killed anima right away.Lucky,huh.
Been awhile since that battle but....

Kick Seymores ass as per usual till he summons Anima in which you follow by summoning Shiva.
Use Heavenly Strike constantly but be sure to time your Sheilds to protect yourself against Animas 'Pain' attack but more importantly its Overdrive. When Shiva gets low on HP just use Blizzard or Blizzara on Shiva itself to heal.

So basicly Heavenly Strike (Anima will then Boost), Sheild (Anima will then use 'Pain'), then Heavenly Strike again (Anima will Boost), then sheild again....and so on till you get low on HP in which case you replace your usual heavenly Strike with a Blizzard attack on Shiva. I suggest leaving Shiva's overdrive till Anima get relitivly low on HP so that the attack will finish it off, otherwise Anima may just survive and destroy Shiva within moments. You should be able to defeat Anima with just Shiva and will pretty much cheese Seymore off. Then its just a case of hitting Seymore hard with everything you got till he goes down (i.e. pull out your other Aeons if you must)
raidersJD said:
One flaw in that plan,after using an overdrive it will slow down the turn for your summon giving him the oppertunity to destroy it and attack again on your party.
Blitzball helped me beat him,I took like 2 weeks and just played blitzball and I got this strong item that I threw and killed anima right away.Lucky,huh.
wow that is lucky, but even tho it may slow down the aeons the overdrives r good cus there more powerful then its magic or pyshical attack.:)
Roxas 101 said:
before you enter the battle make sure your aeons have there overdrives and then go into the battle and kick Seymours butt until he calls out anima then use your aeons and then when you beat anima use whatever aeons you didn't use on anima on seymour and you should win.

I would go with this stratedgy, it's what I did and I had no trouble defeating Seymour and Anima. Yeah, it slows down the turns of your party, that's the only thing really. As long as you cast shell and protect then there wont be any serious damage done. =)
The only problem I had with this fight was the first stage of the battle. I may have missed something really, really simple here, but those Guado Guardians really hacked me off using their Auto-Potions and Shremedy's. Aiming to physically strike Seymour is unwise. As for the Anima fight, it's very straight forward. Like previously mentioned, Shield after he Boost's, for Pain's damage will add up quickly with Shiva having low HP. Blizzara once her HP is in yellow. If you can't beat Anima before her Overdrive comes into play, it's no big deal. Just use Shield, and unless she gets in some critical hits, Shiva will out last the attack. Hack 'n guard fight, really. :/

But the second stage with Seymour is quite the tough cookie. Make sure that Yuna ALWAYS has the correct Null spell cast in time for his next attack. You'll know which order his spells come by the help bar at the top of the screen. To be safe, cast haste on Yuna, to quicken her spell casting, and assuring your victory. Bash away with whoever you want from this point, and just make sure you keep the Null spells up, otherwise you'll find yourself reviving your characters, rather than attacking.
yeah second part is hard.
Alot of people try to heal but if you try to heal you will soon be overcome by his multi spells. They usally kill in 2 hits.
Vergil said:
The only problem I had with this fight was the first stage of the battle. I may have missed something really, really simple here, but those Guado Guardians really hacked me off using their Auto-Potions and Shremedy's. Aiming to physically strike Seymour is unwise. As for the Anima fight, it's very straight forward. Like previously mentioned, Shield after he Boost's, for Pain's damage will add up quickly with Shiva having low HP. Blizzara once her HP is in yellow. If you can't beat Anima before her Overdrive comes into play, it's no big deal. Just use Shield, and unless she gets in some critical hits, Shiva will out last the attack. Hack 'n guard fight, really. :/

But the second stage with Seymour is quite the tough cookie. Make sure that Yuna ALWAYS has the correct Null spell cast in time for his next attack. You'll know which order his spells come by the help bar at the top of the screen. To be safe, cast haste on Yuna, to quicken her spell casting, and assuring your victory. Bash away with whoever you want from this point, and just make sure you keep the Null spells up, otherwise you'll find yourself reviving your characters, rather than attacking.
If you get Rikku to steal from the Guado Guardians they will stop healing themselvs with Auto-Potion, from then on it should only really take 2 hits from Tidus or Auron to take one of them out. Simple. :cool:
That's interesting. But how many steal commands would it take before they ran out of potions? I highly doubt she'd steal the max capacity/held items from them in one try, or in just a few, for that matter. Do fill me in though; I'm quite intrigued by this information.

The only thing that bothered me though, was the fact I had to hit them more than just a few times. I'm too used to quick kills. :p
Vergil said:
That's interesting. But how many steal commands would it take before they ran out of potions? I highly doubt she'd steal the max capacity/held items from them in one try, or in just a few, for that matter. Do fill me in though; I'm quite intrigued by this information.

I'll take the liberty of informing you, as this is the strategy that I loan to people who ask. I am not sure why, but one steal command per Guard is sufficent. Once this is accomplished you can take them out as previously stated with one or two hits. Afterwards, you can use Yuna's dispel on Seymour to make the first stage easier. Also in the third stage (Anima is cake), I would suggest using Nul-Spells to give your party a head start over Seymour who uses all magic attacks.
Well, that's certainately stupid. But like in my first post, it's now clarified that I missed something strikingly simple. Shucks.

Anyway, the information is appreciated.