Anime RP ~Sign up~

Haha, enjoying yourself? :P

And Red Fox, I don't want Devil fruit for my character in particular, he has enough issues with water as it is. :P
Well, it would be pretty hard to adapt it for some people, especially as it is a One Piece thing...
I think I might make Zoro have the fruit, but not eat it yet... not until he really needs it...
well there you have it
no one really wants it, but none really are against you having it.

I give Zoro permission to get a Kaze Kaze one (wind)
he wont eat it yet though...
so what do i do with the other ones?:P
Oh, did I mention that its possible to have items/animals etc. eat/absorb the DF?
No you did not mention it.
but the wiki page explains it ^^

and I don't know what to do with the others

they can be fake
Well, in the case of the rest of us, is it possible for us to have any kind of enhancements? Similar to the Devil Fruit?
I don't know.
I mainly allowed this since Zoro has no magical abilities
he is a swordsman, like Kenshin and Gourry.
but as they are.
if you take their sword, they are useless.

Since the rest of you.
have some "power" even if your weapons are removed.

So I doubt that.
No, even if they are removed, he can use normal alchemy, with a transmutation circle.
WE discussed this over MSN, you KNOW I'm right. So don't even try ^^

I was PMed with an Idea, which I found rather doable.
I will not mention the name, in case the member would like to stay anonomys.
The ideas was that the large group we are in now, split up.
at first, lets go for a "day trip" where the different groups go different ways, to see if they see something of interest, and get back before dark.

Since Toboe don't seem to be entering
here is an idea, and explanation to teams.

-Team 1
Alucard, Seras and Edward
Since Edward is an excellent Alchemist, he can manufacture bullets if needed, at least if he examines one, and have the components.

-Team 2
Ichigo, Zoro and Roy
Zoro is an excellent swordsman, but he lacks in the "special skill" department as of this time. Ichigo has some stuff, and Roy has his alchemy.
EVEN if gloves are wet, you reading this FFGuy ^^

-Team 3
Gourry and Kenshin
They are both excellent swordsmen, these 2 are the best sword using character that have entered so far, at least from what I have seen in the animes.
Kenshin has his Battojitsu, which makes him sorta fast (understatement)
And Gourry has the sword of light.
The main reason for Team 3, is comic relief I guess. Since these are the comedians in this RP ^^

Does anyone have anything against the idea, or the team up.
reply fast.
That doesn't sound too bad...
But I think; Swordsman-wise, that Zoro is more than a match for Kenshin or Gourry (without the sword of light)...:P
But then, you aren't that far into the One Piece anime, so you haven't seen him kick ass yet...
Kenshin's battojutsu, SORTA FAST?! Heck yeah that's an understatement! RF, repent of your blasphamy at once! Next time, try 'super-duper awesome spectabulously fast (understatement)'! Such impudence...
Gourry was able to take on one of the 6 highest dark lords in the history.
Zoro, according to the anime, has problems with some people.
I don't thing Gourry ever lost to a human being.
Zoro did that ^^
And, Kenshin exceeds the speed of light..

to the peeps
I have been invaded by a friend over the weekend, so I wont be replying until late Sunday/Monday.
I have already stated
the sign up are CLOSED as of now.

I will inform peeps when it is open
(edited the first post with *closed* state)
I'm ok with it. If nothing else, it'll reduce the chance of the entire RP getting frozen due to the prolonged unavailability of a participant.

PS: Go team 3!!!
You may want to Agent Smith...
I'm totally alright with the teams, if nothing else, like professor13 said, it will break the current monotony of this rp and spice it up.
Now we just need Roy, Ichigo and Zoro to form into the team...
Any ideas about how the teams will come into being?
Will the whole group decide?