
You know, while I do think that the media is not the sole culprit behind the anorexic epidemic, I do think it is an influential factor that promotes what people should look like in order to be accepted as "attractive".

Sure, the media doesn't come out and say "Hey girls! Starve yourself to look pretty!" But just take a look at the majority of what the media publicizes as "attractive" and you'll find Adrianna Lima and Angelina Jolie. The truth is, not every woman out there resembles either one of those two overrated women. Add the brainwashed, pop-culture-ized public to the equation and you're gonna find insecure people out there who're ready to kill themselves just to change and become accepted. All you have to do is switch to MTV and watch all those pre-programmed machines who are "paid" to express their desire to change into something they're not.

So, like I said; while the media isn't the only factor to blame, it (subtly) contributes to the spread of anorexia among the general public.