Another Industrial Age FF?

Monopoly Man

Mar 1, 2010
In my opinion, SE should make another Industrial Age FF. The only one they've ever really made was FF7 and look how successful that was. The others were all sort of medieval times, futuristic or modern times in a sense. Idk..what do you guys think?
FF7 wasn't industrial age, it was modern-esque. FF9 was Industrial Age (or at least it would have been, considering that it took place around the 19th Century)

But yeah, SE should make a Industrial Age-esque FF.
ehh industrial era sounds pretty cool actually a city like how London was during the industrial era could really be a good setting though i dont think it would be a great in terms of sales for SE, people want too look into the future not re-imagine the past
To me, FF6 was the closest Final Fantasy ever got to Industrial Age or Steampunk. FF7 was close to it also, I guess, but it appeared too modern and futuristic in design when compared to FF6 which did have advanced steam machinery and still looked a bit more artistically fitting for that kind of world.

FFIX was quite close also, though only in parts. Most of the game was much more medieval. (EDIT - I agree with the point made after me, it seemed a lot like the renaissance period)

Personally I'd love them to make an FF game in a Victorian-esque setting with advanced science and technology, but still having the reliance on steam power. I'd love to see something like this imagined and presented more clearly in an FF game.
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FF7 wasn't industrial age, it was modern-esque. FF9 was Industrial Age (or at least it would have been, considering that it took place around the 19th Century)

But yeah, SE should make a Industrial Age-esque FF.

Well..."The game's setting follows in the footsteps of Final Fantasy VI by presenting a world with considerably more advanced technology than the first five games in the series. Overall, the game's technology and society approximates that of an industrial or post-industrial science fiction" Quoted from wiki.

And FF9 was more around a renaissance time because of their clothing, and the overall theme with knights, queens, the plays and all that. Which by the way is my second favorite FF of all time. I was just saying cause...well we've been getting Final Fantasy's with the same two themes...futuristic or medieval era. Although FFXIII versus looks promising and different since its very modern era and sort of mafia themed. Was just thinking that there havn't really been another industrial era FF and the last one made was pretty successful.
A steampunk-esque Final Fantasy setting certainly sounds like a great idea for FFXV. Perhaps something down the road of FFVI and FFIX, and perhaps games like Lost Odyssey. Since FFXIII has touched on sci-fi with Cocoon, and FF Versus XIII has a modern day setting, reverting to steampunk for the next instalment sounds like a great idea. It may even bring back that nostalgic feeling of the older FF games as well.

But as said before, I don't think FFVII is necessarily industrial age. It has a blend of modern and sci-fi - particularly in Midgar, which is like a dystopian depiction of a near future.
XI had its share of steampunk elements, and I think XIV will be moreso, but if we're talking about single player games then I agree that I'd like to see a setting like VI's or IX's in XV.
I don't think they should make any more Final Fantasies in the Industrial Age. I prefer the ones that feel more like Medieval Times. And for me FF 6 was the best Industrial Age Final Fantasy.
I like the appeal of industrial age Final Fantasies. I think it adds a lot of flavor and interest that I think the more recent FF's are kind of lacking. Tbh, I've had enough of modern style RPG's and I'd like to see a more graphically stunning version of FFVI. :monster:
VII always struck me as being cyberpunk. Kind of modern, but with futuristic technology. Sort of a dystopian world with one big bad guy corporation with its hands on everything. That sort of thing. But then again, I haven't gotten far into FFVII to see the entire world and know the whole story, so I could be wrong. But what I have played is definitely reminiscent of a cyberpunk story.

(Plus I guess it could contribute to its success--cyberpunk seems to be popular. Look at the Matrix, Blade Runner, and Ghost in the Shell, just to name a few off the top of my head.)

I've always been a sucker for steampunk and Victorian design, so if they made a FF with that genre in mind, I'd definitely be all over it.
FF10 was a fururistic kinda game but with all the tech destroyed by sin
FF12 was a wannabe tech game but it was kind of steam powered stuff so that is no that advanced. FF8 was a tech advanced game with esthar and the ragnarok and cruise missiles and stuff the most all round advanced game of all
I've always quite liked the industrial age final fantasies, being a fan of FFVI and XI I felt they realised the setting rather well.

Personally I would like to see another one in the future, but I would want the story to be every bit as good as the likes of VI and not a complete viceral orgy of graphics like some of the more modern final fantasies have been.
FFVII wasn't really set in an industrial world. It was more dystopian in that it was really being overrun by a large corporation (Shin-ra)

And for more industrial games, I would rather they not. I prefer games that take place in futuristic times, like Star Ocean, etc. I don't want to keep taking trips back to the middle ages. I like the idea of flying cars and hoverboards, things of that nature.

If they found a way to mix the two (industrial and futuristic) now that would be something to see.
i think ff7 had industrial age like arias like midgar looked pretty industrial but other than that it kind makes me think Aztecs for some weird reason... :cloud: <<<<he says the thing about midgar is true
Tetsuya Nomura and the chief director of the FF franchise have already told the public about their upcoming project which was another JRPG, FFXV. It's supposed to be based in a steam punk universe with the incorporation of all the lacking elements of FFXIII
Oh, it has? Do you have proof of them telling the public this? Were their actual news posts with the words by these people? Tetsuya Nomura only does the character designs, and FFXIII only just came out. Not to mention they're working on FF Versus XIII as well as FFXIV, so where is this aforementioned news of FFXV posted?
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I want to be linked to the actual articles. Not the website. That first one just looks like some random anime Otaku site where they're obsessed with busty anime women. I see nothing FF related and I'm not about to go on a hunt for it either. If you have the substantial proof, I want to see it and unless it's from an actual SE site or a site affiliated with SE, I won't believe it.
I want to be linked to the actual articles. Not the website. That first one just looks like some random anime Otaku site where they're obsessed with busty anime women. I see nothing FF related and I'm not about to go on a hunt for it either. If you have the substantial proof, I want to see it and unless it's from an actual SE site or a site affiliated with SE, I won't believe it.

Here, since you're so hard headed, these are the articles with links.
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development fault:
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there, the works done, now read.
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Tetsuya Nomura and the chief director of the FF franchise have already told the public about their upcoming project which was another JRPG, FFXV. It's supposed to be based in a steam punk universe with the incorporation of all the lacking elements of FFXIII

Nomura didn't say anything, it was Kitase who vaguely mentioned some ideas for the next installment. Of course FFXV would be another JRPG - no one else has any other genre on their mind - though it may be a more action-like RPG.

It's interesting that you say it is supposed to be set in a steampunk universe. That does sound good, but where did you get that information from? Nowhere have I read does it say that it may be set in a steampunk world. And I have not heard about this before. Are you sure you haven't misread?