Another Inuyasha Question...


Jan 30, 2007
Well I've been using my Tivo to record every single epispode of Inuyasha since the beginning. I finally caved in and bought episodes 1-100 myself, then decided to finish out the series by means of regular television...

Last night I finally watched an episode called "Use the sacred jewel shard (part 2)"

At the end of the episode...
Inuyasha and Kagome were sitting in a tree together, right?

So I decided to go ahead and watch the next episode that my Tivo recorded, and to my suprise, it was a re-run of the first episode; "the girl who overcame time and the boy who was overcome"

So what on earth happened??
Did I just spend like 3 months of my life in front of Tivo for nothing?
Naraku is still alive
and that's the last episode????
The series on T.V. resets after awhile. It waits for a "new season". Therefore, you have to buy the whole series instead of waiting.

By the way, Basilisk > Inuyasha. ;D
Someone did tell me that there were only 167 episodes, but...I thought that the series had ended. =\
Someone did tell me that there were only 167 episodes, but...I thought that the series had ended. =\

Yea, basically you have to wait for the new season to come out on T.V.

You see, they show re-runs until a new season comes out. Therefore, you should buy them or DL them.

That is all the episodes you can DL for free. . Japanese voices with English subtitles.
Hopefully it comes out this year. =\
I haven't heard of any new episodes coming out since the beginning of 2006, right??
Hopefully it comes out this year. =\
I haven't heard of any new episodes coming out since the beginning of 2006, right??

It's already out, but the American network is too lazy to translate it. XD.

Again, I highly recommend you go and DL the episodes. It is easier and you can delete them right after words to save space.

Inuyasha sucks big time...I mean, why do they keep dragging on a already ruined show? They should have stuck a fork in Inuyasha after season 2. And the movies are horrible as well. The ONLY thing I like about it are the theme songs. Besides the theme songs, which was totally wasted on this show, Inuyasha must die...:mad:

She asked a question. I hate the show to, but I don't insult it when helping someone. Thanks for spamming the thread for no reason. GTFO.
Ugh reading subtitles is just toooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. >_<

They better translate it this year!
Ive wasted like 70 hours of my LIFE watching this show!!!
Ugh reading subtitles is just toooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. >_<

They better translate it this year!
Ive wasted like 70 hours of my LIFE watching this show!!!

Lmfao. "I hate reading. I rather not do it when watching a show."

Did I mention that the Japanese versions show more stuff than American versions? XD
What?? Like what???

That would explain why the episodes are only like 15 minutes sometimes...especially when you count the "last time, on Inuyasha!" and "Next time, on Inuyasha!" sequences...<__<
What?? Like what???

Depends on the show. The FCC here cuts down on most shows that are imported. In Inuyasha, there's probably more blood and sexually related junk. ;D

But, like I said, it all depends on the show.
Oh come on!
That would've made it so much better!!! XD

But then again...Kagome is only 15, and...that would be considered weird here. XD
I wonder how old Inuyasha really is...well...
How old he WAS before the whole sealing thing. o.0
there is 500 episodes in all of inuyasha it going to be then 70hour trying to see them all

maybe she has a thing for old people
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I wonder how old Inuyasha really is...well...
How old he WAS before the whole sealing thing. o.0

He was 18, and there are only 167 episodes of inuyasha. thats it. there are NOT 500 they stopped at 167 in japan.
HOWEVER! the manga continues on past this point.
they may make a new season once the manga is completed, but there is no guarantee...
They ended the anime because the creators were getting way too ahead of the manga and having to create filler episodes which the fans were getting disappointed in. The story is still continuing through the manga and is getting even better as we speak. However a good friend of mine from our AdInuyasha Yahoo group named Urd-chan went to a recent convention and was able to meet and speak with the Japanese creator of the anime. One of the questions she asked him is if there would be more anime and he said yes, in the future. It could be a good couple of years before we get to see anymore Inuyasha anime. We're assuming that they're waiting for Takahashi to complete the manga before continuing on with the anime, but there are plans to complete the story once the manga is finished.

Also, Inuyasha isn't 18. He's 15 in human years and over 200 actual years. Takahashi states that in the Manga Profiles and she would know considering he's her character.
It's already out, but the American network is too lazy to translate it. XD.

Again, I highly recommend you go and DL the episodes. It is easier and you can delete them right after words to save space.

She asked a question. I hate the show to, but I don't insult it when helping someone. Thanks for spamming the thread for no reason. GTFO.
you could put them on a psp and change the voice settings to english.
although it did take me 5 months to find a program that could convert them properly you can get it from www.pq get the express psp converter its free:D