Any chance of XIII to be on PS2?

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The Dreadnought

Chocobo Breeder
Feb 2, 2008
Is there any chance of XIII on PS2? Cause I really don't want to go buy one. If I have to (because I'm dying to play it), I will, but I seriously hope it isn't
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FFXII is on the PS2, FFXIII is PS3 only :P

Although there were rumours it was going to be on the 360, but one of the SE guys said that plans to put a FF game on the 360 were at "a blank page"
Unfortunately, due to the graphical quality of FFXIII, I don't think it could ever be, even if SE tried. I'd also heard rumours about the 360 release, but I hope not. This is the sort of game that will push PS3 sales, especially with it coming out in Japan around the time of Christmas or something. (That was what I heard last, though as usual, its a rumour)

For us guys, this probably means the PS3 will be slightly reduced in price by then, or at least part of a good package with it. Unfortunately, the other rumour is that both of the FFXIII's on the PS3 will be coming out only a few days apart (for the Christmas one :P) which means more spending :(

Lucky me, I already have my PS3 :D
Hahahahahaha. No.

Specs are too high, plus this is supposed to be a game that will make loads of people buy PS3s. Plus, the PS2's life cycle will be at a total end by the time FFXIII comes out. ((Orly. I also have a PS3. =D))
So, no chance.
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I think the chance is highly unlikely, due to the fact that the development team has asked about developing it with PS3 exclusivity in mind.

Also, as earlier stated, it would probably be impossible to put it on the PS2.
The thought it being on PS2 never even crossed my mind and I highly doubt it wilol be. Plus not heard any rumours of the sort, looks like we will all have to fork out for a PS3....well, those of us that don't already have one >_<

Altho I refuse to get one until I know it's any good anyway
If they put it on ps2 its would lower the quality of the ps3 version because of having to compensate for how shit hot the ps3 is compared to ps2 :cool:!! Dam i'm not looking forward to losing all that money buying a console for like 3 games :dry:
Square is all about moving forward, and to put this game on the PS2 would be a huge step backwards. They know this game will boost the PS3 sales and make them lots of money in the proccess. So, for those reasons, it will be on the PS3.

^Me too cube, I'm already broke as it is, having forked out alot of money for a psp and crisis core. I'm going to be dirt poor once I finally get a PS3 and these games..
Nope, no chance of it being made into PS2 compatable... They would want it to be made into a PS3 game only because for one; the sales would go down with how much PS2 games usually cost compared to how much PS3 games cost. For two, people like the PS3 graphics better and no one would buy something with lower graphics, and less features. Thirdly, most people have PS3s now because of how long it has been out and how much better it is than the PS2, so they would buy the better one. And lastly, they would not make it a PS2 game because it would cost too much money and time to take out all of the special features that only go with the PS3, and replace it with something that would make sense and yet be able to be run on a PS2....

And by the way, I have a PS3 toooo.... :D
LOL, it even shows in the trailer "For the Playstation 3"

But I know what you mean. I kind of hoped that the PS2 was my last main console, but I'm already trying to save up for the PS3
I too am saving up for a ps3. I am at 200 dollars. I will buy a 400 dollar system.
Damn, I wish I wasn't so broke. Guess I'll have to wait a couple of years again :(
i doubt they will make an installment for the PS2... thats why i bought a PS3... is it sad that i bought it just for FFXIII and the possibility of Kingdom Hearts 3? i love it
first off if they made it for the ps2 they would get a hella lot more sales cuz not everyone can get a ps3 no matter how long they save second its probably a no go cuz ff12 was sopposed to be the last ff game for the ps2 tho i loved it lol im no looking forward to buying a ps3 its just too expensive even tho its worth it but to answer the question no by 99.999999999999999998% lol theres a chance but its very very very very unlikly
I think it could be a really good game on the Wii... Man, imagine that! It's a shame that Square's remaining so loyal so Sony though. Specially when Sony's released the worst console of them all. I won't be getting a PS3. Not even for FFXIII. Not at that price.
uh no

yeah right
ps2 could barely process 12

now, im not one who is low on money
but DANG
ps3 is expensive for something well have to replace in 4 years cuz thell make a ps4
ha! when we are old, theyll have a ps10
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first off if they made it for the ps2 they would get a hella lot more sales cuz not everyone can get a ps3 no matter how long they save second its probably a no go cuz ff12 was sopposed to be the last ff game for the ps2 tho i loved it lol im no looking forward to buying a ps3 its just too expensive even tho its worth it but to answer the question no by 99.999999999999999998% lol theres a chance but its very very very very unlikly

It would be crap on the PS2, and they have to move on to the next generation, they cant stay on the PS2 just because some of us are too poor to buy a PS3. It will boost sales anyway. Even though I wont be able to afford one for a good while, it's not like theres any rush,it's not out for a fair bit anyway is it?

Anyway, the PS2 was new once, I think I waited aboout a year before I bought one coz it was well steep. PS3's will come down in price eventually :monster: Then I can skip all the way to the shops flexing my credit card :wacky:
I think it could be a really good game on the Wii... Man, imagine that! It's a shame that Square's remaining so loyal so Sony though. Specially when Sony's released the worst console of them all. I won't be getting a PS3. Not even for FFXIII. Not at that price.
i dont think PS3 is the worst console, although i havent payed all of them:wacky:
and what do you expect, of course they are going to be loyal to sony, they have all been with sony so far, so why break a successful partnership?
plus they are both japanese:neomon:

first off if they made it for the ps2 they would get a hella lot more sales cuz not everyone can get a ps3 no matter how long they save second its probably a no go cuz ff12 was sopposed to be the last ff game for the ps2 tho i loved it lol im no looking forward to buying a ps3 its just too expensive even tho its worth it but to answer the question no by 99.999999999999999998% lol theres a chance but its very very very very unlikly
technology and games evolve and keeping it a PS2 game, its limiting not only 13 but future FF games, sure some people wont be able to afford a ps3, but some will, they will be gaining an increased revenue from ps3 games and they can make their games better, win-win situation ir you are SE, though profit is their main motive, i think that having the increased abilities of a ps3 will motivate them to make better games, though FFXIII seems a little bit of a FFVII rip-off it should be good and probably will be.
Id quite like FFXIII to be on ps2 as there is no way i can afford a ps3 atm but, why should my lack of funds be a reason for me to want the advancement of the FF series to be sacrificed?
i dont think it sjould really, because that would just be petty, so uhm i dont think that FFXIII should be on ps2 nor do i think it will be
Man i really wish they make FFXlll for the 360 too, then i wouldnt have to go buy a ps3 just for this game which would suk but well worth it. or even for the PC, graphics would sky rocket.
first off i said it wont be for the ps2 as so many of you said it wont i said theres a chance smaller then the earth coming to an end tommorow but theres always a chance no matter how small i dont think it will be nor will i be hoping for it i will prob. buy a ps3 for this game and assasins creed but that can wait a year or two if you no what i mean 2nd the final fantasy series wasnt always with sony it used to be nintendo wich is also a japenese sys anywayz the x box doesnt deserve the final fantasy series saying as it sucks
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