Any chance of XIII to be on PS2?

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This game is all about pushing the ps3 sales aswell as being totally and completely AMAZING!

As mentioned before the specs are too high and if they have spent all this time develpoing the draphics, plot and fight sequences to scale it all down so the two games are almost two different games although they share the same narrative. The graphics would be totally different and well..... bad to be honest.

so I think the answer to your question is no
Theres no way it could be on the PS2 the PS3 means the start of the next generation of gaming and by puttin XIII on PS2 would mean we would still be stuck on the past generation with rubbish graphics, quality and capability compared to the PS3. i wouldnt want the game to be on PS3 even tho i dont have a PS3 and cannot afford one, yes it would be good on ps2 as i could then play it but it wouldnt be able to be as good as it can be as a game. i will just save up for a PS3 so i can then afford it and then get XIII im not too botherd about it, i much prefer it to be on ps3. one thing i dont like tho similar to this is how they seem to exetending across different sytems like the WII and DS i have only ever had Playstation and therefore i am unable to play the games on competeing consoles unless i spend loads on money on buying other systems and consoles. Im not botherd with PS3 as its something i really want and am going to have to get.>_<
yeah, i wish it was on ps2 cuz i dont feel like spending my hardworking allowance for another console, ps3. ugh! i already spent it on the ps2,wii,DS. cant work anymore. haha. money's just going down the drain. xD

i wish that it was on ps2 so badly even though the quality/graphics are gonna be too high for it i bet. but yeh.
A PS2 couldn't handle the graphics unless the game was toned down and even then it couldn't processes the data fast enough.

Sorry FF13 will not be realeased on a consolt that can't handle it.
Ok firstly there isn't the slightest chance that it will be released on the ps2. If it was, SE would have to make a second version compatible with the ps2 which would be like creating two completely separate games, which would be very expensive and pretty pointless considering the ps2 is slowly dying and by the time FFXIII is actually released, the ps2 would've most likely stopped production. What's more is, if FFXIII was to be released on the ps2, SE would most likely have to release FFXIII Versus as well, which would be even more expensive.

In summary, FFXIII will not be brought out on the ps2 because it would be an expensive and stupid idea :P

On the bright side, keep in mind that by the time FFXIII is released the cost of the ps3 would most likely have dropped significantly.
I was stupid enough to believe that FFXIII and MGS4 would be released by the end of last year so I started saving in March of 2006 to buy a PS3 on its release date (March 2007 over here) which turned out to be an incredible waste of money. But at least I already have a ps3 for when FFXIII is released :monster:

You may see it as a waste of money, but there are some great games for it to get you occupied while waiting for FFXIII and FFvXIII. Myself, on the other hand... I didn't waste any money on my PS3... my brother bought it for me as payment for helping him move. :D
I highly doubt they will put it on the ps2 I wish though but the ps2 wont be able to handle the graphics.Plus Enix wants more people to buy the ps3 and make it popular that is why it will be on the ps3 to attract attention.
I also don't think that it'll be on the Ps2, Square-Enix haven't ever really but a game on two formats, unless it was for example ps1 remakes of NES games.

But i think by the time FFXIII comes out, (Well I'm hoping on this) that the price of the PS3 will have dropped quite a bit, in the UK anyway! and hopefully it'll be free of glitches :neomon:
No due to graphic, which softly bring me to why you should get a PS3:
There more than FFXIII to look forward to, Kingdom heats 3, good FPS' like haze, My favourite game released so far is ratchet and clank :)
Sorry for going off topic.
I'm closing this thread. Sorry but the question has been answered over 20 times already. There is not point keeping this thread up when every post is basically the same thing. FFXIII will never be on a PS2. If such rumor were to be true then please provide a source next time.

For future reference: Please do not post if you have nothing else to add to the thread.
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