Any plans for tonight?

Watching the movie Southpaw now, doing some laundry and gotta work 3rd shift tonight. Just 1 day more of work, then a military drill weekend before I get a day off again. So mostly just relaxing until 10pm-ish.
Tonight I plan to head back into FFXIV and run a long stream, it's been a few days since I have on account of resetting my sleep pattern has damn near killed me this week, been so tired it's not even close to funny.

But job is done so tonight I can head back in focused and ready. The stream is just extra goodness from me!
Gonna hang out with friends. And play some Tales of Zestiria. Been putting it off for weeks >_>
The only thing I have going on tonight is work. :britt:
Normally Monday is our biggest and latest night. However, holidays are over now and its slowed down alot so we shouldn't be working too late tonight.
I'm not doing anything too exciting tonight. I'll probably just sit around and binge watch some more of The Walking Dead on Netflix. I'm midway through season 5 atm and I plan on finishing that here soon. Then once season 6 gets uploaded I'll be fully caught up on the show xD
Sadly I got into this show really late. When I started season 1 it was already going into season 4 lmfao. So I've behind on content the entire time the show has been airing :sad3:
study some Process and Plant Design, and then get some sleep (which I've been severely lacking these couple of months lol)
In a hotel for the night on my military assignment so alternating between Netflix (Prison Break), and posting on here. Figured it's a nice trip away from home and some time to catch up on some lost forum time. :busta:
Good ole Thursday night.

After I get released from work:

1. Head to the gym
2. Come back and start laundry
3. Go out and grab dinner at a diner in the city
4. Come back and switch out laundry
5. Walmart run for food/weekend supplies
6. Come back, finish laundry, relax, watch Netflix/basketball/post on the forum
Very simple night for me after a bit of a knackering day at work (as always...). I'm gonna upload some Alundra now and then get on with some story progression on FF14. I'd also like to finish the evil forest in FF9 before the end of the day, which is an amazing part :griin:.
In this hotel I'm staying in, the dehumidifier was leaking so this repair guy has to come and shampoo the rug because is spells like a dead alligator in here now. :/

So I'm currently listening to this loud-ass fan trying to dry it off, posting here on FFF, and probably just call it a Netflix night with a little bit of studying here soon. Quiet night after a quick day at the gym and work.