Anyone else dissapointed with the small selection of Aeons?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Basically what the title says, was anyone else dissapointed that there were only 5 mandatory aeons?

All together there were 8 - or 10 if your picky.



NOT Mandatory

The Magus sisters

I found myself wishing there were more Aeons - espicially after playing the earlier FFs - i wished there could be more Aeons - Leviathon, Odin. Ramuh etc. and i was dissapointed that in a game focusing on the summons only had 10.

What did you think?
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You're right...there weren't many, but I was relatively satisfied with the selection. ^_^
I wasn't impressed with the hidden locations on the map dungeon was like the only worthwhile sidequest which was hidden on the map. o__o
hmm im not too fussed although more non-storyline aeons would be cool
i would like to use eden or bahamut zero (well he bigger than earth so meh)
The Aeons didn't really dissapoint me in this game. I just didn't like the way Bahamut looked. I've always liked him big & larger than life (FF9's Bahamut was my fave).

I think that there was a good amount of Aeons in the game. But I see where you coming from with all the other FF having a larger amount of summons
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FFVII had a pretty nice hefty selection of summons. ^_^
But 8 suits this story just fine. <3
Just so your not confused im asking if your dissapointed with the NUMBER of Aeons. lol hope that Clears things up
I think that, considering the way the aeons are formed, they could have been a little better in their choice. Ixion should've been Ramuh, largely because he IS A PERSON and the aeons are dead summoners. Also, Alexander would've been an obvious choice, but i would have definitlety put in a holy summon. Maybe Yunalesca would've been more pertininent. I hate the humanoid version of Bahamut though. In every other FF he is a "dragon with wings".
Lol Yeah. I liked the cute summons before. ^_^

FFX had very few summons, but they were powerul nonetheless.
Well if you wanna get technical about it, there were a whole lot of fayths near Zanarkand. So if there was an Aeon for each one of them, that's more summons than all the FFs combined.
and if you think about ff7 you can master materia to get multiples of them :)
Which doesn't make too much sense...o_O
If you wanted to, you could have 10 knights of the round summons. o_O
I really wish there were more aeons. Odin was actually there, he was Braska's final aeon and you basically fight him when you fight Ject.

I really wish Leviathan and Titan were in the game. Leviathan has always been my favorite summon, and in the earlier games he was reffered to as the king of the summons. If anything he should have been there. And what's with Ramuh being replaced yet again by another thunder summon?

It would have been really nice to have Phoenix, and carbunkel in the game too. Maybe there could have been some summons that you don't get control over and they are just there to either ressurect or heal, or do whatever for your characters.

It was really odd having the Magus Sisters in this game since you fight them in IV. Depending on your level they can be a real pain in the ass.
I think the selection is ok, I would like to see a few more being used in future, ie: KOTR & Alexander, but apart from that I think it works for the game :D
You're right Rydia, Pheonix and Carbuncle are two summons that I would love to have seen. ^_^
And I was quite dissapointed with this Ixion creature as well. =x
Nor was I ever fond of Quezacotle.
Quezacotle was kind of frightening. I mean, it was a giant bird with no face!

Ixion at least was cute, but I would have preffered the old man. I mean, Ramuh did play a significant role for a summon in IV and IX. And in IV, it was hinted at that he beat Odin.
I don't said that Odin was Braska's final they actually show him in the game??? =x
I can't remember.
Ject takes the form of Odin. He sort of kind of does some kind of merge with him. And that's why his limit break sucks.

It would make sense that Odin is the final aeon because he basically kills both sin and the summoner and Odin does kill everything.