Anyone else dissapointed with the small selection of Aeons?

You want many Aeons? Look at previous FF's like 6. They had many, but a lot turned out to be useless. Nothing wrong with having a few elemental based ones, non elemental ones, then a few secret. FFVIII had too many. They were nice I admit, but anything going over a certain limit is too much.
I guess because you could fight with the aeons i never really cared. But now you say it i do wish there was more.
There are 8 Aeons and you can control them all in battle not like the other ff games were they would do their atack and leave...i think that´s pretty cool!
Well too many Aeons makes the game too easy, I mean how many times have you summoned an Aeon just to take a hit for your team and the Aeon dies. If you had 28 Aeons it would be impossible to lose.
I was ok with the aeons then had expecially since they stayed and fought instead of leaving and ffXII dosent haven any aeons at least not where im at
I'm not dissappointed at all. The only thing that's missing is a water Aeon
I do wish they have more hp as you gain stats
i mean my yuna has like 90000+ hp and my anima has 22000
Well, the aeons fight in your place and are pretty powerful, so having more of the would be too much.

Exactly. If you had too many, players would rely to heavily on them; just summoning, performing overdrives and then repeating. Having the ammount they had was just right. I loved them all and I thought there was more than enough. Sure, if there's more in XIII then i'll probably be happy too (depending on the finished designs) but X's Aeons were great!
I thought there were plenty of Aeons. I certainly wouldn't object to there being more of them, but I'm not disappointed with the number given to us.
I agree.
Even though they could've put more abilities into the aeons, the number is perfectly fine to me.
Just having too much means more time developing them right.
I actually thought that the number was perfect. Any more Aeons, and you start getting lost in how many are available. In games where the summon creatures do an attack and then disappear, then a higher number is fine.
However, when the summon creatures become controllable fighters, limiting the number is ideal in my opinion, or else, as Ultima said, you start relying more on them than on your party members.
As it is, if you take the time to charge up all of their Overdrives, by the time you obtain Bahamut, you can pretty much breeze through the rest of the game by summoning one after the other. The various Seymour forms can be taken care of very easily by doing this (as well as Spectral Keeper, and Yunalesca, and Sin, and Braska's Final Aeon...soooo easy...)
If there were more aeons than the whole game would be too easy. But I guess it would be cooler if there were more.... :)
I think it would have been better if the aeons had more abilities already learned but I thought the number was fine.