Anyone need a guide?

The gift and the curse. Personally I have used them. But using them does taint a victory somewhat, nothing wrong with consulting one in my opinion, but religiously following a step by step guide is not fun.

I should add that when i say, "i have used them" i mean for the odd boss fight, or optional quest. Not the "meat" of the game.
I don't usually buy guides because there are free ones on the internet, but I do use them sometimes if i'm just completely lost.
I know exactly what you mean. So far i not bought mine for FF12 but am really tempted. So you think its ok if i have already completed it to get one?

Absolutely, I wouldn't have a problem with you buying it before the start of the game. I would like to think that you wouldn't follow it word for word, but other than that who cares? If it enhances your enjoyment of the game then why not? :P
I don't usually buy guides because there are free ones on the internet, but I do use them sometimes if i'm just completely lost.

yeah i know what you mean, even them i'm reluctant to use them.

They just reduce the replay value of the games imo.
lol I use guides a lot to be honest. Mainly cause I like to know where everything is, and for sidequests and junk. I don't tend to use it for the main storyline or even for boss battles (most of the time). I just mainly like it for like I said, side quests, or if I'm just completely lost and so frustrated I need to throw a handle at the screen (which I have done on many occasions).