Anyone remember this game?

I've never played it myself, but I vaguely remember my friend's older brother playing it.

We never had it for our SNES so I never got to try it out.
This was one of the first Final Fantasy games I've ever played, when I was really young. I didn't get very far into it. I got stuck in like an Ice Palace or some place like that. I'd gotten the first crystal (Earth I think) and traveled further than that, and then I lost the game. . .(it wasn't a cartridge XD)
It was a while back though. . .so I don't ramember much else about it. . .I think my second like party members name was pheobe or something to that effect)
I've played this game a little bit, and it looked kind of bland..

Rumor is though that when the game came out, it was intended for American audiences. The theory is that Americans were too stupid to understand the concept of an RPG, so this would be a 'beginner's RPG'.
I like the music and the why that you fight, it's gets me somthing to do now and then
A VERY simplistic game, but I have fond memories of it 'cause it was my first RPG. Its one redeeming quality was its awesome music. I especially liked the Doom Castle theme, as well as the battle music vs. the Dark King.
I own and love MQ. t's stated on the box it came in that it was designed as a beginners RPG...I.e. it wasn't going to be as amazing or complex as the normal series...

I loved everything about this game and my niece is getting into RPGs and this is the game she's starting on to!
haha mystic quest was a decent game considering the fact that you only got 2 characters in battle and you only got to use the ones the story allowed. i liked ruben. but anyway it was the first final fantasy i ever played and it was for some reason fun for me to play. id play it again.
I really liked it. I was quite young when i played it and it was teh first ff i ever played. As soon as i finished this my uncle told me teher were more final fantasy's and ive been hooked ever since. I still go back and play this every once in a while, its fun when all you wnat to do is play something simple. I really enjoyd teh characters, some were quite funny and some of teh music was insanely awesome. So ya i liked it :D
Hmmm, yeah, very simplistic, but sometimes games that have a simple tone to it makes it a better game. Got the orginal somewhere hidden somewhere still in it's wrappings as a collectors item. I felt it was a nice easy mindful rest from the other fantasys and yeah i've completed it, they really shouldn't of let cure hurt the last boss so much.
I love this game, the fact that it's easy doesn't bother me because I'm bad at video games anyway. This game is SO easy, I'm surprised to read about people being "stuck" at any point in it.

Everything about it is just purely for entertainment value. I still play it, I have the cart sitting in my room right now next to FFVI aka FFIII.

Those of you who think the music was awesome, wanna know what else is sitting in my room?


That's right, in the original case and everything. I rule. Or suck. Depending on your take on this game.
It's the first final fantasy game I played. I managed to complete it without using black or wizard magic and without using cure on the dark king.

I love the music, I've read it wasn't composed by Nobuo Uematsu
This game was actually created to try and draw more North American fans to the RPG scene. It worked for me really =). After Dragon Warrior 1 there wasn't much out there. I picked up Mystic Quest and FFII (usa version) at the same time and played them both through in the first week. Loved them both. Funny things is, a lot of what Mystic Quest had is being reborn in FFXII - such as visible monsters and no random encounters.
Yeah, I remember this game, too. This was back when I didn't know how RPGs worked so I never completed it. It was very linear and kind of like super mario when you reached the world map. Maybe I'll try it again if they ever put it on the virtual console.