Are the older titles in the series better ?

Would your opinions change if they changed the names of X XI XII .

Change them to what? The older ones use the roman numbers, why not the latest ones?

As Busta said, its unfair to compare as new technology is becoming more avalable to create the games.
When FF IV originally came out on the SNES there was no other game like that available to the American gaming public at large. All the Japanese RPGs released in the states prior to that were simple affairs like Dragon Quest and the original FF, which although providing entertaining hack and slash RPG gameplay, were not advanced to the point where they had much of an actual plot line. And the deeper RPGs of the time came out for PC and therefore were played almost exclusively by hard core gamers, as those were the only people who knew about them. Video games were simply not respected as a story telling medium.

FF IV (2 when it was released in the states) changed all of that forever.

It's plot and characters may seem trite and cliche by today's standards, but believe me when I say that even in those primitive times Squaresoft was a true innovator. That was the first game to make me cry (I was only 8 years old and the scene where Edge confronts his parents and watches them die was very moving to me) and the first game to keep me riveted for 50 hours (I spent a long time leveling my party for the final dungeon.)

FF 5 was not released in America until it came pack as a PsOne port, but that did not stop Square putting out the supreme lord of 16-bit games, namely, Final Fantasy VI. It was a landmark title and saw the RPG genre mature into something far beyond a mere strategy-oriented level grinder.

So were the old school FF games better?

Maybe not by today's standards, but those were THE most pivotal years in gaming history and FF was right there at the vanguard.
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