Are you a 'cheap' gamer?


Aug 7, 2007
Heh,heh,heh...well,i'll be the first to admit I am.I usually wait for the game I want to go to $20's or below before I buy it (Greatist Hit or something,right?) because I never know if I'm going to like it or not and I hate renting.I remember I rented FFXII and when it was time to return it...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! It's hard being a cheap gamer... :P

I might start NOT being one though.So,what about you? Are you a cheap gamer (like me :rolleyes:),buy-it-the-day-it-comes-out-gamer,or rental and then decide?
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Yes and no.

I would buy most of my games, but quite of few of my games came from a friend who tends to lend out stuff and not really care if you ever give it back. As for games that I did buy, I almost always get them when they first come out, and if there's a Special Edition or something, like with FFXII, I'll spring for it.
The last time I bought a new game was Guitar Hero 2 for $80 the first day it came out. I bought that and I also bought Okami for $40.

I think those are the only games I've bought for myself in a long time. Like a year or 2. I always rent games or borrow them. They're either to easy or too short or I have free access to them.
Lately I've been buying very cheap GBA games... ones that are under $10. Just bought Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. So at the moment I guess I'm a cheap gamer.
No, I'm not. If I want a game, I'll bring cash and a couple of games and trade them in for the game I want. I'm a big lazy ass trader. XD
I'm more or less a cheap gamer as well. I waited for Lego Star Wars II to drop to $20, Shadow of the Colossus, and most others. The only ones I splurge on are the ones I know will take awhile to drop. Final Fantasy tends to take longer than most to get to Greatest Hits, so I never wait for those. God of War II I didn't wait for 'cause I knew it would take awhile, and Tomb Raider: Anniversary was on sale for $20, so that was pretty sweet right out of the gate.
Sometimes if there is a game I really want then I will buy it as soon as it comes out. If there is a game I'm not bothered about, I wouldn't really say I was saving the money but I wouldn't really go out of my way to buy it but I would probably end up getting it if I walked into a shop a couple of months after the games release and it has a price cut.
It really does depend, fi I'm certain I'm going to enjoy the game ( in the case of Devil Summoner, a Musou game or Atelier iris ) then I don't mind splashing out the day it comes out.

If I'm not quite positive though I'll wait a while or see if I can pick it up pre-owned. That said, I've been proven wrong quite a few times when I eventually pick up the cheaper ones, with Onimusha 4 and Shin Megami Tensei 3 turning out to be better than I expected.

So in conclusion I'd say I am somewhat of a cheap gamer, it does burn me a bit to spend £30 ($60 or near enough ) on a game sometimes, especially when money is tight.
I've actually digressed to a more 'cheap gamer' to be quite honest. xD
Like yesterday, I scoured the whole GameStop for the cheapest copy of FFXII I could find, and lo and behold I found a box with the stamp on it saying '24.99' as opposed to all the other copies being ten bucks more.

Yes, a good bargain I got for that one; though I'm sure that was just a mislabel. xD
I'm not a cheap gamer. I'll buy games at their full price if they interest me. I always read reviews and ask for recommendations from other fellow gamers.
I'm not a cheap gamer. I buy games as soon as they come out. I'm paranoid that I won't ever to buy them. Some games stop discontinuing sooner than others. I also like to buy collectors editions, especially MMORPG collectors editions.

When a new Final Fantasy comes out I usually reserve it and grab it on the first day. Same goes for other games that are on my 'must buy' list.
i am a cheap gamer. Usually wait for a long time, or borrow it off a mate to see if its any good, before buying it. dont want to spend lots on something if i'm not going to enjoy it. however there are some i would buy asap - presuming i have the money at the time.
I = cheap.

With exception to buying FFXII, man I wish I was a cheap gamer, cost me fucking £30.

Could've bought something else, so I will remain a cheap gamer
I buy alot of games ( never rent ) but i make sure there games i like, so price does'nt come to mind when buying these sorta things
So im kinda of a money waster
No… If I see a game I really want, I gladly spend the regular amount of money for that game, especially for a Final Fantasy.

Anyway, my reason is pretty much the same as everyone here. A lot of the games are only printed for a certain amount of time.
yeah thats a cooooooooooooooooooooool Idea :D waiting till the cost decrease ^_^
I'm somewhere in the middle. I have no problem paying the full price for a game I know (or suspect) is great. If Gears of War 2 were to release today, I wouldn't wait a few months for it to drop a measley $10 before purchasing it.

If I doubt a game's worth, then I'll wait on playing it until it drops in price.
It depends, if it's a game I really want, and know it's good, I'll buy it there and then. But if it's a game I'm not sure about, I'll wait until it goes down in price and buy it then, so if it does turn out to be crap, I haven't wasted too much money on it.